Interesting night

RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
Ok so I'm in line at the thrift store and this lady cuts me. I say 'excuse me I'm in line' and she just acts like she didn't hear me. I say I'm ahead of her again and she ignores me again and I'm all set to just move lines bc it's not that long anyways. So then the lady ahead of me starts yelling at her and the first lady goes 'I don't speak English' and they start arguing and arguing and the lady ahead of me says 'I bet you'd understand a slap to the face.' I'm over here dying, laughing my head off all the way out the store meanwhile they are still arguing. I have never had so much fun at the thrift store in my life. What an experience.

Nothing weight loss related but hilarious. But side note.....I don't think I would have even spoken up before and the fact that I did is a big step for me that I attribute to increased confidence from weight loss and lifting.

Anyways, anyone got a good story? I'm all ears