How to figure out your weight loss goal...

thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been struggling with this a lot lately. I'm still have at least 15 lbs. to go, so I'm not too worried yet, but I still want to figure this out.

I'm just NOT sure what I should be striving for, or how to set a goal at all. Especially because I've been losing inches like crazy, but the pounds have been a little slow, using BMI seems like a less than ideal solution.

So how did/do YOU set your weight loss goals? I just don't know....I'm 5'8.5 and currently 170 lbs with 30.5 inch waist. Waist-Height and Waist-Hip ratio tests say I'm already healthy, but BMI says I'm overweight. What should I be shooting for?

(Based on online calculators, my body fat % is somewhere between 30% and 31.5%.)


  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    BMI isn't very accurate. Ask your doc, he/she will have an idea what is ideal for you. :)
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Just remember muscle is heavier than fat. So if you see inches but not pounds coming off that is not bad. Its more important how you feel and what you see (as in inches). Just work out and eat right. Your doing well.
  • momma69
    momma69 Posts: 16
    I agree I don't think BMI is accurate.... if you were a muscle builder with the same stats it would tell you the same thing and I am guessing you aren' is designed for specific numbers and you and I have similar numbers but I doubt we carry or weight in the same place or are in the same health bracket...I don't work out more than twice a week and I under eat my calories ....not the best thing for me but it is what works for prob work out daily which automatically makes you healthier
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Yeah....I know that BMI kinda sucks for a lot of people. And I've also always known that I put on muscle like CRAZY. But I find that it helps to have an ultimate goal in mind, and since I don't put on muscle the way the average person does, I don't know how to determine a healthy goal for myself. I'm just wondering if people use other tools to determine their goals. Should I be looking more at inches? Body fat? What have others found works for them?
  • I'm 5'8 and started at 177 pounds. I am currently at 155 and was aiming for 145. My wii fit said a good weight for me was 145 so that is what I made my goal. I have been stuck at 155 for awhile and I'm pretty happy were = am. I think your goal should be where you are comfortable and happy. I think the whole bmi thing is a little off.
  • I'm 5'2" and started my weight loss journey at 135lbs. I looked at my BMI as an initial guide and decided 118lbs would be my goal to start off since it was right down the middle of what is normal for my height. When I hit 124lbs I felt like I still had quite a few areas I could work on and 118lbs was too close to make those changes happen, so I changed my goal to 115lbs. Now that I'm at 120 I feel the same way and my new goal is 112 or 110 depending on how I feel when I get closer to those numbers.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is just go with what you think will make you feel good and comfortable in your skin.

    I'm also working out a lot and building muscle so if I get stronger and lose more inches but not that much weight I may not need to go that low. I'm pretty much just playing it by ear... I'll figure out what I feel is the best weight for me when I get there I guess :-)

    Good luck!!
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