Getting back on track - not that much to lose

Hi, I am back after a long hiatus. Last year I lost 15 lbs, basically with a low carb diet, calorie restriction and exercise.
Since then I have taken a new role in my company that keeps me pretty busy, plus 2 young children, which means I don't have much time to exercise as much as I was doing. I think I still eat pretty healthy, try to control carbs and "bad stuff", and I haven't logged in a while but I would say most of the time I don't eat as many calories as I burn, yet I gained about 10 of those 15 lbs back :S

So, here I go again, I need help and motivation, I am going to try to just control the calories and the macronutrients and take it slow, if I could at least stop gaining weight, that would be a small victory! I am scheduling a physical next week and check my hormones level, because something doesn't explain the weight gain.

I am 5'5", 162 lbs at the moment, and I would be happy if I got back into the low 150's (maybe I am not that ambitious!)