Artificial Sweetener Challenge!

I've been reading a lot about how harmful artificial sweeteners can be harmful and damaging to our bodies. Those little blue, pink, and yellow paper pockets of sweet-tasting chemicals could actually be holding you back from losing the weight and becoming the healthy individual you are trying to be! Sure, it's nice to have a zero calorie drink that still tastes good, but is it really worth saving those calories? Starting today, I am going to try to go for at least one week (short term goal) without consuming ANY artificial sweeteners. My biggest sources of sweeteners are from diet drinks, water flavoring packets, sweeteners in coffee/tea, and sugar free gum. It might be tough to give them up, but hopefully it will be worth it! Has anyone else seen a positive difference by trying this? Anyone else joining in with me?


  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Honestly, I have never experienced a positive or negative experience from the amount of fake sugar subs I use or don't use. And I won't be giving up the little I do use.

    But, good luck!
  • Ralthor125
    Ralthor125 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm already one week into avoiding artificial sweeteners. The only one I must take comes in my isopure zero carb protein...and I keep that to a minimum (post workout only). I would say after a week I am seeing a little difference, but I think it will be awhile before any real change is that noticeable. There is SO much out there with some kind of chemical sweetener in it that it is really hard to avoid. The only way to truly eat clean is to cook for yourself, which I do as much as possible. Good Luck! I'll be avoiding all of them for at least another 3 weeks where I can.
  • zombie_meg
    zombie_meg Posts: 149 Member
    I stopped drinking diet soda and felt so much better. I had a Coke Zero yesterday for the first time in a few weeks. My stomach immediately started hurting. If I need a sweetener for something I use stevia.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Yup, Big-Splenda has the govt. in its pocket and they're allowed to poison us. Crazy huh?
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    :huh: *shrugs* I don't avoid artificial or real sugar. Hasn't made a difference in my weight loss or overall health.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    i've been reading a lot about how the moon landing was staged and how the guv'ment financed the jfk assassination.

    don't believe everything you read OP.