


  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Well, unless you open your food diary, no one can help you.

    Sorry, but I disagree.

    Good for you! I can also delete half of your response and take it completely out of context!!

    I really didn't post that because I want to argue ie not a personal dig at all... but because it's an inaccurate and misleading comment that needed flagging up. Open diaries are helpful but not essential!

    Also... context? It was your opening sentence!

    Right, not a personal dig...sure... In any case, the OP opened her diary and low and behold, she doesn't track everything. I think the open diary was pretty essential... But whatever. I'm not the one asking the question.

    Yes, it was my opening sentence. And then there were more sentences!! Wow...
  • BikerChickAlice
    BikerChickAlice Posts: 36 Member
    If your back is sore, your likely holding water. Injuries = water retention.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    Right, not a personal dig...sure... In any case, the OP opened her diary and low and behold, she doesn't track everything. I think the open diary was pretty essential... But whatever. I'm not the one asking the question.

    Yes, it was my opening sentence. And then there were more sentences!! Wow...

    It really wasn't personal - I respond to posts not posters - I don't even look at the profile on the left, as a rule!

    Peace out and I apologise for offending you.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    You may not be eating enough. Having too few calories can cause you to maintain or even gain . It is a balancing act.

    Sorry, but that is not possible.....:o).
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Well, unless you open your food diary, no one can help you.

    Sorry, but I disagree. There's plenty of help and advice on here available to people with closed diaries.

    You are right, but that would be very general advise. If people come here and open a thread and ask for advise most of us assume that it should be more specific and for that it is necessary to see someone's log for a variety of reasons.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    You are right, but that would be very general advise. If people come here and open a thread and ask for advise most of us assume that it should be more specific and for that it is necessary to see someone's log for a variety of reasons.

    Diaries are really helpful, no doubt! Probably the most helpful tool on here, for analysis - it's usually logging. But not all people are comfortable with opening their diary - and that is entirely their choice. People CAN be helped who have a closed diary.

    I just don't like the: 'Open your diary - what are you hiding? Open it or you will FAIL' comments. The pressure I've seen put upon people who want to be more private is too much - NOT talking about the person earlier in the thread btw!

    There was a woman posted here a month ago, asked to open her diary and said it was all on a spreadsheet. I knew she was trying to kid us... people are in denial about stuff... they make excuses. They can only wake up if and when they are ready to. Nobody likes to be exposed as a liar... especially on a public forum - it's humiliating.