Have Your Friends and Family Noticed Your Weight Loss?

How much weight did you drop before your friends and family really started noticing. I have lost 20 lbs and have yet to have family or friends notice, which is ok... I am still on a roll... but but curious when you started getting compliments on your weight loss.


  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    I've lost 70 pounds and my family calls me skinny now (theyre all obese) I'm just at a normal weight now.
  • schonsdragon
    schonsdragon Posts: 102 Member
    Most friends and family said nothing until I lost about 50 pounds. I have noticed that when I am wearing baggy clothes people don't notice but when I am wearing clothes that fit they do and I feel more confident.
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    Within the last 2 weeks. I had lost about 18lbs and no one noticed anything. In fact they made a point to tell me that I didn't look like I had lost anything. Then all of the sudden, it was like everyone started commenting on how skinny I look. Weird.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    My family noticed at 30 lbs or so. The people I saw all the time didn't notice anything until 64 lbs and after I didn't see them for 4 months, pretty much (I lost 22 lbs in that time). That's the big thing I think... people who don't see it much will notice it much easier.
  • faithbabe21
    faithbabe21 Posts: 33 Member
    I started my journey at college away from home and I won't be back till thanksgiving break which is in another four weeks, so we"ll have to see if they notice or not. My mentor says she sees a change but I don't particularly see that much of a change myself so I think it just depends, on what your wearing and how well they take notice to things.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I had a lot to lose so it took a large loss before anyone started commenting. It got very annoying waiting for people to notice. lol... At this point I've lost so much, wear smaller clothes (literally all the clothes I wore when I started are too big & have been replaced), and look very different than when I started so people comment.

    The less you have to lose the less you need to lose for it to be noticeable.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Took me 4 years...not trying, not using this website, even though I registered at that time...
    To lose 26 lbs. No one noticed. But hey, at a 1/2 lb a month it was a very slow transformation....
    10 weeks ago I decided to put forth more effort and have lost 6 more lbs.
    My husband and two good friends all have mentioned that my face looks thinner.
    My husband also mentioned my waistline is much smaller. (not really, but some if ya ask me)
    10 more lbs to go. Can't wait. Hopefully by January.
  • talpilon
    talpilon Posts: 25 Member
    I've lost almost 70lbs now and the only people who have noticed are my family. It would be nice if other people noticed, but I guess it'll take a while.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 477 Member
    My people started noticing right away but that's because my face is the last place to gain and the first place to lose. Hard not to notice a round face lacking a visible jawline to a heart-shaped face with a visible jawline.

    Everyone who is on my Facebook has been on this journey with me so they are always observing when I am with them and ecstatic for me.

    So the face right away...the bod was around 15-20lbs.
    I've lost almost double my ticker in reality.
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    How much weight did you drop before your friends and family really started noticing. I have lost 20 lbs and have yet to have family or friends notice, which is ok... I am still on a roll... but but curious when you started getting compliments on your weight loss.

    I lost mostly during the winter and with bulky sweaters, coats etc it wasn't very noticiable. It wasn't until this past Easter, when I wore a dress to Easter church service/a family lunch and then people saw that I had lost around 40lbs (at that time). People were shocked lol
  • tilmoph
    tilmoph Posts: 72 Member
    A few people noticed at around 30 pounds; everyone noticed at about 70-80 (including a few actually asking me what I did), and a few people (mainly my mom, my gram, and this one older lady at work I'm friends with) made jokes about "ok, you can stop losing now" at around 95 lbs down. I'm down 110 now; I don't think anyone's noticed, or at least no one's commented, or even asked about my progress at this point (even at the lower weight levels, some people would occasionally ask how much I'd lost at that point). I figure they'll start commenting again around 140 (current goal, though I'm increasingly favoring dropping another 30, for a 170 loss) down.
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    How much weight did you drop before your friends and family really started noticing. I have lost 20 lbs and have yet to have family or friends notice, which is ok... I am still on a roll... but but curious when you started getting compliments on your weight loss.

    when my clothes become looser I continue to wear them for at least another fortnight - that's when I get everybody congratulating me on my weight loss - then I swap for the next size down.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    It probably depends a lot on how overweight someone is, & how often the person sees them. I think the more overweight you are, the more you have to lose before they notice. Also, the more often they see you (because the changes are slight), the longer it takes to notice. I was about 30 lbs overweight, but think people started to notice when I'd lost 10 lbs...friends before my husband.
  • AcidWords21
    AcidWords21 Posts: 139 Member
    When I lost 10 or more pounds in a single week. I still have some to lose on my face as I don't like having a round face.
  • teacuplady
    teacuplady Posts: 30 Member
    So far only a couple of people have noticed enough to say anything. These are people who weren't aware that I was trying to lose. My family and those friends I have told about my efforts have made comments but it makes you wonder if they would if they didn't know I was trying. Don't get me wrong I'm happy to get them but secretly I guess I want people to really notice. I did see a woman last weekend at a memorial service that I hadn't seen in at least 6 months and she asked me if I had done something different to my hair (I hadn't). I think she noticed but wasn't able to put her finger on the reason why and for some reason that comment made me happy. Probably something like they say if you get plastic surgery and people just think you look "rested" instead of it being super obvious. I still have a ways to go.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    My husband noticed at about 10 pounds. My coworkers noticed at 20.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I have lost over 20 pounds and the women in my family are jealous bishes that haven't said one word!
  • Ackbersingh
    Ackbersingh Posts: 22 Member
    My daughter said to me yesterday ' Mum your looking thin now a days' She made my day ????
  • change30
    change30 Posts: 22 Member
    No one noticed til I hit the 40lbs mark, and now I'm at my 50 and I get good compliments but then I have some who ask me if I am sick? and then I have some who are proud and some that are jealous so be prepared!
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    When I lost 20 pounds only I noticed, no one said anything. When I lost 40 pounds to 160, they were amazed.