HELP buying a Heart Rate Monitor!!!

I have read post and forum after review and webpage and I'm still lost because I can't tell if the one's people suggest will do what I need it for.

I am looking for a good Heart Rate Monitor, nothing super fancy but nice ($100-$200 range) that will help me calculate how many calories I'm burning during my cardio classes at the YMCA such as Turbo Kick and Tabata. It HAS to be able to sync one way or another to my motorola droid 4 and my fitness pal (of course).
Can anyone recommend a HRM that will for sure count good calories and be compatible with my droid? I am asking for it for christmas from family far away and I want to make sure they know exactly what to buy. Please help, I'm working really hard at the gym and I know a HRM showing me quantifiable results will help to push me to continuously work harder. Thanks everyone.