Nutrition/Meal Plan Guidance?

New to MFP and not sure how to start in terms of changing some pretty nasty eating habits. Anyone have good suggestions? Meal plans? What has worked and what hasn't?


  • 4Pookiecat
    4Pookiecat Posts: 20 Member
    Before I started dieting, a typical meal consisted of meat, potatoes (or pasta or rice), vegetable, bread. Now, I still do the meat, but a smaller portion. I have cut out the potatoes (pasta, rice, whatever) and added a second vegetable. Usually we have a salad and then I add a cooked veggie like mushrooms, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, whatever. It doesnt have to be cooked either, I do like some raw like cabbage or cauliflower, etc. We still have fresh bread but we only have a piece of it where before we had a number of pieces.

    Ok, that was supper, our big meal. For breakfast, I have a breakfast bar (120 calories) and coffee. It works well for me. For lunch, everyday, I have a ciabata roll (180 calories) with a piece of swiss cheese (70) and a piece of provolone (80) with lettuce, tomato, and cucumbers heated in the oven to melt the cheese with a serving of kettle chips and an apple. I know it isnt very exciting to have that everyday but it works well for me.

    I also do 45 minutes to an hour of carbio a day and lift weights 30 minutes 3 times a week.

    I guess the thing is to look at what you eat now and make some small, healthy changes YOU can live with. I decided long ago that i wasn't going to deny myself stuff (like cut out all carbs or whatever) but instead learn how to construct my meals and exercise so i don't have to.

    Good luck!
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    When I first started I only tracked my food. Didn't worry too much about calories. Then once that became a habit, I started to change my diet only in that I reduced my portions, limiedt my carbs (I still eat bread etc, just not every meal). Most important thing is to find what works for you that you can sustain.

    Good luck!
  • b3st
    b3st Posts: 1,350 Member
    New to MFP and not sure how to start in terms of changing some pretty nasty eating habits. Anyone have good suggestions? Meal plans? What has worked and what hasn't?

    Look in good carb, fat and protein choices.

    Choose ones you like.

    Workout your calorie requirements for weight loss.
    Then make a meal plan.