How can i go from 145 to 135. PLEASE HELP

I am 18, 5 foot 8, female, and pretty actiVe, i workout 6 times a week burning around 400 calories. Recently i was only eating 500-700 calories a day. Now i bumped it up cause i hear that may be why i am not losing weight. but what can i do?? i really need help. i dont know if i should eat 500-700 or 1200, or what! but i need to get back down. :(


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    At least 1200 and eat some exercise calories back.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    I'm same height and aiming for same loss almost (146 to 129). You just need to put a little work in - I don't mean in the gym but in planning your approach to this!

    Noone can last on 700 cals a day without the following happening - either the cravings get too strong, and you give in and binge, or your hunger goes and you become tired, disorientated and unwell.

    Up your calories, eat 1,700 every day (right am't for your ht & wt) and forget logging exercise. Weigh and log every last little thing that goes in your mouth. Give it time, you don't have much to lose but it WILL come off.

    Best of luck! :smile:
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    Yeah you should definitely be eating around 1,600 calories every day (even the days you don't workout!! and for those days eat some of your exercise calories back!) Go look up your TDEE and take off 20% see where that gets you.

    And log consistently. Weigh everything. Good luck!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You are eating/netting WAY TOO LOW. Please stop this before you do serious damage to yourself.

    Redo MFP #s and pick the correct activity level and 0.5lb/week loss. Eat back exercise calories as this is how MFP is designed (formula can be found on the Goals page).

    And maybe go for a body fat % goal versus a scale # goal. The scale can fluctuate up to 10lbs due to food intake and water retention, especially during that time of the mont

    ETA: When upping your calories (especially when you were eating so low), it will take your body some time to adjust. whenever making changes to activity level or calorie intake, give yourself 4-6 weeks before making any additional changes if needed.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I went from about 145 to 135lbs eating 1800-2000 cals a day. I'm your height and more than twice your age - you definitely need to be eating more than 1200.

    Great info here - read it:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I went from about 145 to 135lbs eating 1800-2000 cals a day. I'm your height and more than twice your age - you definitely need to be eating more than 1200.

    Great info here - read it:

    To note (because many people are unclear when first attempting the TDEE -20% method that the above link is about) - unlike MFP, this includes exercise calories.

    So if MFP gives you a calorie goal (which is calculated at a deficit) of say 1500, you'd eat this + exercise calories back.

    If you follow TDEE -20% and you end up with a calorie goal of'd just eat this. No eating back exercise calories as they are already included
  • TimElwis
    Maybe try eating around 1850-2000. Also you should only lose 0.5-1lbs per week as you want to lose fat and not muscle. You want to be toned and not skinny fat. So don't be scared to lose slowly, the slower the hotter you'll be at final goal.
  • RunnerInVT
    RunnerInVT Posts: 226 Member
    Im wondering if your workouts are too easy. Try intervals and make it HARD. Mixing up workouts help too. Cardio and weights. :)
    And eat quality foods.
    Wishing you much success!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    First, find out if 135 is a realistic weight for you. If you lean mass (weight of muscle and bones and organs) is higher (which is a good thing), 135 might not be an appropriate goal.

    I'm a lot shorter than you. About 12 years ago, I was 120 pounds, and thought that might be a good goal weight for me, because I liked how I looked then. But I didn't have much muscle at the time, and over the course of gaining weight and being more active, I packed on a good chunk of muscle along with my excess fat. My lean mass is about 110 pounds now. That means, to be 120 pounds again, I'd either have to lose muscle (not a good thing) or have a body fat percentage of about 10% (not healthy for women). About 130-140 is a much better weight for me, and I'm the same size at 135 as I was at 120 years ago.
  • MissFlab2Fab2014
    You are pretty tall, but that weight would look very nice. I would say do not calorie restrict yourself because if you are burning 400 calories and only eating 700 max your really only taking in 200-300 calories and that isn't enough to keep a new born alive or sustained let alone a woman who is 5'8 and an adult. Up your caloric intake, 1200 is a bit low if you are burning that much in one exercise, I would say minimum 1400, more cardio less strength and that should help you get down to the weight you would like however do keep in mind the perception of weight loss isn't all that is is cracked up to be sometimes it is more about inches lost then lbs, muscle weighs more then fat and definition looks better then just weight loss GOOD LUCK!!! :)
  • staystrong_314159
    staystrong_314159 Posts: 43 Member
    Don't eat below 1,200 because that will put your body in starvation mode, which either results in lost muscle (hence flabby look) or no weight loss. If you are a teen or breastfeeding or high met, eat around 1,5000. I went from 146 to currently 133.8 by having lots of water, fruits, and vegetables and generally eating less calories.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member

    I am also 5'8. I was eating 1500 without any exercise and maintained 130lbs for like 2 years. So I suggest for you to eat 1700 with exercise (you will still lose weight if you burn 400 cal) and then eat 1500 in days you don't exercise.
  • taylorvonlehe
    when you say you ate less calories does that mean less than 1200?
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    If I were to input your stats, assuming you are roughly 21% bodyfat, with an activity level of 6 days per week I'd get the following:

    TDEE (total amount of calories your body burns a day/how many calories needed to maintain weight) = 2575 calories.
    Calories to eat to lose 0.5 lbs per week = 2325 calories.

    Needless to say, you ought to be eating far more than 1200 calories with that amount of exercise.

    Edit: Why do you feel the need to eat 500 to 700 calories and exercise 6 days a week to lose just 10 lbs? I think you are greatly underestimating just how much of an energy demand you are placing on your body.