Hi. I need to lose weight and get fit in a healthy way

I have struggled with an eating disorder (anorexia) off and on since I was nine years old. I have an intimate knowledge of calories, fat, carbs, and protein, including the values of each food and how many calories are burned in various activities.

By January of 2009, I had dropped to a BMI of 15.7 and was given a goal of a BMI of 19.8 (even though that is on the low side, my doctors thought it was a goal that was healthy but not "scary" for me.). The problem is, I was such a "good" patient that I went overboard. I gained all the weight I was supposed to gain, PLUS an extra 10+ pounds. My BMI is now just about pushing 22.

I know that a BMI of 22 is still well within the "healthy" range, but it is not equal to a weight with which I am comfortable. I would like to lose the 10+ pounds that put me over my "goal weight." HOWEVER, I want to lose that weight slowly and in a HEALTHY way. I want to actually eat (not starve myself) and to exercise appropriately (I know that I could easily go overboard if I am not careful). SO, my plan is to use myfitnesspal to help me do this the right way... by eating the correct number of calories and by exercising the correct amount. :)

I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I have a lot of bad habits to change. I have LIFESTYLE changes to make. :)


  • alphasigalum
    Hello! I want to lose about 10 more pounds as well. I have an eating disorder as well except mine is bingeing.. MFP has helped me a ton, feel free to add me and we can be there for eachother! ~Brooke
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks, Brooke! Good for you for working on this in a healthy way, too. ;)
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    Hi there and welcome, you sound so sensible about what you want to acheive, good luck and I'm sure that there iare lots of people on the site with the same problem as you, so I'm sure you will get lots of support x
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks! :)