Any Lapbanders? Need help after first fill....

Hi there, firstly I wasn't sure where to put this, I hope this is the right place...

I had surgery back in April and only just received my first fill last week... I am struggling, it seems I can only manage liquid or yogurt... Everytime I try to eat something solid it won't go through and causes a lot of discomfort...

I am due to have another fill next week, and at this stage I want to cancel the appointment as I can't seem to manage this one just yet.

What sort of food should I be eating? I even had trouble with scrambled egg...... I really want to give this a go before I call the doctor, I want to know I tried everything, so your help would be greatly appreciated...

Thank you... :)


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I don't mean to come across as though I'm shutting you down - but this is definitely an issue to speak with your doctor about. I've had one friend do the lap band and two on gastric bypass. If there are any complications it's not an internet forum issue :(
  • Leafy74
    Leafy74 Posts: 6
    Thanks for your reply, I am not looking at it as a complication just yet, I think it's me that is doing something wrong, not the band. Just wanted to exhaust all avenues before I retreat back to the doctor, maybe I am missing something.. I have read all the literature, following things (well trying to at least) to a tee...

    I was hoping someone may have had a similar experience and got around it..
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Yes I agree that you must talk to the Dr. about this! You no way should have a fill if it is already to tight! For now maybe puree things that are high in protien. Eggs are tough on alot of banders and so is bread, banans and potatoes! The say pureed chili, spaghetti and even pizza taste good but just looks a little gross!! To each their own but I truly wish you well!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    You really should call your WLS office. They can remove some liquid until you get better used to it. You don't want it so tight that you can't get down liquid or soft foods after the initial 3 days on liquids soft foods following a fill.

    If you can stand it, you can just wait till next week and they'll probably remove some instead of adding more. But if it's causing you a lot of discomfort, call them and move your appointment up.
  • sbird
    sbird Posts: 9
    A girl I used to work with was in your situation and she was drinking Ensure as her only intake for what seemed like months after the procedure. This is what her doctor recommended as it fulfilled her nutritional daily values and did not disturb anything else. I do not know your or her full situation is so I can not relay this information as advice to you. However, my advice is... it never hurts to contact your doctor by phone. If he or she is too busy to talk to you, the nurse in the office should be able to easily advise you on your situation and tell you if you are on the right track or if you need to be seen by the doc. That is their job after all.
  • Leafy74
    Leafy74 Posts: 6
    Thanks for your replies. I have decided to give them a call in the morning, hopefully just have a bit removed.. It's been a challenge, mostly drinking protein shakes, it shouldn't be this way. So hopefully they can squeeze me in tomorrow...

    Thanks again.. :smile: