How to fix and out of proportion body?

Hey i am a mesomorph but my arms look like an ectomorph's arms. Like when i gain fat on my body i gain fat on my arms too (obviously) and when i train them i can gain muscle on them like anywhere else on my body so i can definitely say that my arms are mesomorph arms. But they are the size of an ectomorphs and somewhat leaner than the rest of my body. So my question is how can i fix this so its naturally in proportion with my body? Because if i gain weight to make my arms look regular, the rest of my body will be over weight but i i lose weight, then i will be slimmer but my arms will look stick like. Also Don't tell me that it is the lack of exercise because majority of people who dont exercise dont have this problem.


  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Weight train for your arms (and do the research on diet, etc, of course)! Fat will go on where it wants, but muscle goes on where you work hard for it ;) It's pretty cool that way.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    A lifting program based on the big compound lifts. This will bring up lagging body parts pretty fast.

    You cant change where your body gains and loses fat so dont worry about that. Eat enough to grow muscle then eat in a deficit to lose the fat. Time tested and proven to work.