Im not new to this, so where am I going wrong?



  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Spend a week at 1650+exercise then go back to your deficit.... ya do look thin, though
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    You could try setting your goal to maintenance for a few months and see how it goes. What's the worst that could happen? You stay the same weight, but isn't that what's happening now anyway?

    You have nothing to lose (so to speak :tongue: )

    ETA: Bear in mind that you are in the lower range of healthy for your height, so maybe it's body composition that you should be aiming for rather than actual weight loss? Do you do much strength training? If nothing else, pushups and squats cost nothing and can be done at home with no equipment :smile:
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    When you binge, are you weighing and measuring that as well. Most people I know who binge are unaware of the volume of food they ate. It could likely be a combination of unaccounted calories during bingeing and increased water retention from increased activity recently.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    You could do body weight exercises like 'Body by You' if you don't want to buy weights.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    As far as why my meals are so small. I suppose it's because I'm trying to not go over at night when I binge. I'm basically trying to save the calories.

    There's actually nothing wrong with eating very little during the day and saving your calories for night. Some people actually refrain from eating for a good part of the day and then eat most or all their calories in the evening! IF you can control what you eat at night, there's nothing wrong with's only a problem if your hunger from the day causes you to lose control at night. You wanna eat 1000 calories for dinner and desert? Go for it. Just go easy during the day.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Reading through this whole thread I am a little concerned. One thing for sure is weight loss does not come just by calorie intake and output, if that was the case I would be tiny by now. Another thing is, you are beautiful honey! Seriously! I would consider what you are telling yourself about yourself. The last little bit is not actually important and take it from me, your weight is not going determine how happy you are about yourself. I am the happiest I have ever been but I am also no where near the weight I would like to be (sounds like an oxymoron but believe me its not). I agree you are not eating enough during the day. Also what is your BMR? Keep an eye on your sodium levels, sodium makes you retain water. But all in all I think maybe trust that you are stunning the way you are and what the magazines, movies and even what others say about you is not what is important. What are you telling yourself? If you are really determined, I agree that body weight exercises are great for toning. Most of all believe that you are fabulous how you are and maintaining at this point wouldn't be the end of the world.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Thanks guys! Your words help a lot.

    I think Im going to lower my goal just a bit so I have more wiggle room, and do more toning exercises like crunches or squats.
    Things that dont really need weighs.

    Im going to try to eat meals today and see the difference.
    ( Though a lot of you have said that I binge at night because Im hungry. I actually am not hungry when I binge/ and or am full but do it anyway. )

    Im going to try to weigh more things .. but how do you weigh a tablespoon of peanutbutter, or 30 grams of cereal?
    Do you weigh the cup first then put it in the cup and weigh that?
    Cause last time I put cereal on the scale it wasnt pretty LOOL.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Im going to try to eat meals today and see the difference.
    ( Though a lot of you have said that I binge at night because Im hungry. I actually am not hungry when I binge/ and or am full but do it anyway. )

    While binging can certainly be an emotional may actually be hungry. You may not feel what we associate with hunger (rumbling belly, etc) but your body is craving nutrition.. I used to eat a TON of food that was low in nutritional value, so no matter how full my belly was, I was still hungry bc I need nutrients. BEFORE you feel the urge to binge...try to eat things that have lots of protein and some healthy fats. It really might be hunger...just not the kind your used to recognizing.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Starting out a year ago losing weight

    you need to eat maintenance for a while and then go back to losing weight.

    ideally you should have a break every 3-6 months, so I'd say eat maintenance for a month or two and then get back on the deficit and up the workouts a bit.

    thats if you haven't been cheating somehow.....
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    Have you tried recalculating you TDEE? Maybe that could give you some better insight on how many calories you should be eating in order to continue losing. I do agree with arpiagape1, you are beautiful :) and I don't think you should give up now because you're having a problem with how much food your eating; isn't that how we all got started on MFP? You've lost 50 pounds, now is not the time to give up. Now is the time for determination to finish what you started.

    So, take some time today and figure out a new strategy because what you're doing isn't working for you.. You can do it and if you need support, it's not too far away :)
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    Just a suggestion: I've recently lowered my carbs to about 35% so leaves no room for spending 50+ carbs on candy or junk.

    But honestly, you've lost 50, does that last 4 really mean that much to you? Adjust to eat less carbs, and work on maintanence ---don't be so hard on yourself - your body has already changed a lot. It will come off :)

    Great work !
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Starting out a year ago losing weight

    you need to eat maintenance for a while and then go back to losing weight.

    ideally you should have a break every 3-6 months, so I'd say eat maintenance for a month or two and then get back on the deficit and up the workouts a bit.

    thats if you haven't been cheating somehow.....

    Really? I've never taken a break since I started.
    Other than accidentally binging to even out at maintenance for a week or two spurratically.
    But never on purpose.
    Maybe that's the issue, too.
    Im going to try to eat meals today and see the difference.
    ( Though a lot of you have said that I binge at night because Im hungry. I actually am not hungry when I binge/ and or am full but do it anyway. )

    While binging can certainly be an emotional may actually be hungry. You may not feel what we associate with hunger (rumbling belly, etc) but your body is craving nutrition.. I used to eat a TON of food that was low in nutritional value, so no matter how full my belly was, I was still hungry bc I need nutrients. BEFORE you feel the urge to binge...try to eat things that have lots of protein and some healthy fats. It really might be hunger...just not the kind your used to recognizing.

    Well, Ive already eaten a bigger breakfast and Im going to eat lunch for the first time today, so well see how it goes!
    Just a suggestion: I've recently lowered my carbs to about 35% so leaves no room for spending 50+ carbs on candy or junk.

    But honestly, you've lost 50, does that last 4 really mean that much to you? Adjust to eat less carbs, and work on maintanence ---don't be so hard on yourself - your body has already changed a lot. It will come off :)

    Great work !

    I've honestly never paid attention to the macros and followed the %'s.
    It's too hard for me, for some reason. And slightly confusing? Don't ask why, I dont know LOL
    But thanks!
    Have you tried recalculating you TDEE? Maybe that could give you some better insight on how many calories you should be eating in order to continue losing. I do agree with arpiagape1, you are beautiful :) and I don't think you should give up now because you're having a problem with how much food your eating; isn't that how we all got started on MFP? You've lost 50 pounds, now is not the time to give up. Now is the time for determination to finish what you started.

    So, take some time today and figure out a new strategy because what you're doing isn't working for you.. You can do it and if you need support, it's not too far away :)

    I started off on TDEE -20% in the beginning, but Ive since switched to the MFP settings for the past maybe 5 months?

    My TDEE -5% would be like 1431.
    And TDEE -10% would be 1355
    And both of those are more than Im eating now and Im not losing.

    I think im gonna bump down to 1200 for a few weeks, and if that doesnt work to help re-jump my weightloss Ill just take a break on maintenance I suppose. The waiting part sucks when you get lower down in

    The other thing that sucks is my maintenance calories at my goal weight is going to be around 1490.
    That's so low!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    That is low. Maybe you could add some walking throughout the week or build some more lean mass to get your TDEE higher? I know it's a pain, but it's what I do to get a TDEE that fits ma belly :D:D
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Starting out a year ago losing weight was surprisingly easy!
    Set sedentary settings to lose 1LB, ate back exercise calories, boom it melted off.

    Now, Im about 4 - 8 LBS from goal, and I lowered my settings to lose 0.5LB and kept at sedentary.
    Still eating back exercise calories. ( Two days a week, cardio in the gym )

    Still measuring foods, still doing everything the same.
    Still eating the same foods too ( Not very healthy, but hey -- diaries open )

    I havent lost in about 4 months or so.
    Other than going back and forth between the same weight.

    Is somehow retained water masking my success?
    Or am I doing something wrong, or not doing something I should.

    5'2", Female, Age 21, 118LBS -- eating around 1320 calories ( more with exercise )

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Id like to get the ball rolling again~

    if u have been strict on your diet. then I suggest a few refeed days and then back on your diet

    a reset of your leptin :wink:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Thanks guys! Your words help a lot.

    I think Im going to lower my goal just a bit so I have more wiggle room, and do more toning exercises like crunches or squats.
    Things that dont really need weighs.

    Im going to try to eat meals today and see the difference.
    ( Though a lot of you have said that I binge at night because Im hungry. I actually am not hungry when I binge/ and or am full but do it anyway. )

    Im going to try to weigh more things .. but how do you weigh a tablespoon of peanutbutter, or 30 grams of cereal?
    Do you weigh the cup first then put it in the cup and weigh that?
    Cause last time I put cereal on the scale it wasnt pretty LOOL.
    squats will benefit more than crunches
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You're eating more than you think. Either by underestimating your food by not weighing it, or buy eating too many calories back.
  • CindaWhite
    CindaWhite Posts: 104 Member
    Reading through this whole thread I am a little concerned. One thing for sure is weight loss does not come just by calorie intake and output, if that was the case I would be tiny by now. Another thing is, you are beautiful honey! Seriously! I would consider what you are telling yourself about yourself. The last little bit is not actually important and take it from me, your weight is not going determine how happy you are about yourself. I am the happiest I have ever been but I am also no where near the weight I would like to be (sounds like an oxymoron but believe me its not). I agree you are not eating enough during the day. Also what is your BMR? Keep an eye on your sodium levels, sodium makes you retain water. But all in all I think maybe trust that you are stunning the way you are and what the magazines, movies and even what others say about you is not what is important. What are you telling yourself? If you are really determined, I agree that body weight exercises are great for toning. Most of all believe that you are fabulous how you are and maintaining at this point wouldn't be the end of the world.

    So glad you wrote this! I was forming the same opinion.

    The battle you are having is more about your perception of you than one of weight loss. You are amazing! Look at what you have accomplished. You are bingeing because you are so hungry! Don't adjust your diet to accommodate your problem, do it to eliminate it! Try dividing your goal in to 5 or 6 small meals and aim for that. I am at net 1200 and I try for 200-300 calorie meals. This puts me over by about my exercise calories. If I want a bigger deficit I adjust for that, or just exercise more ;p).

    Never give up. Learn to love yourself, you are so worth it! I wish you all the best!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Starting out a year ago losing weight was surprisingly easy!
    Set sedentary settings to lose 1LB, ate back exercise calories, boom it melted off.

    Now, Im about 4 - 8 LBS from goal, and I lowered my settings to lose 0.5LB and kept at sedentary.
    Still eating back exercise calories. ( Two days a week, cardio in the gym )

    Still measuring foods, still doing everything the same.
    Still eating the same foods too ( Not very healthy, but hey -- diaries open )

    I havent lost in about 4 months or so.
    Other than going back and forth between the same weight.

    Is somehow retained water masking my success?
    Or am I doing something wrong, or not doing something I should.

    5'2", Female, Age 21, 118LBS -- eating around 1320 calories ( more with exercise )

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Id like to get the ball rolling again~

    I am at the same place you are; with eight pounds left, I have my settings to lose .5 pounds per week, plus I exercise every single day. I eat most all my exercise calories back but not all. Losing this slow is torture, but it's what I need to do to make sure that I am ready when I reach maintenance.

    JUst hang in there and accept the these last pounds are much slower, but the end result will be much better.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Just updating you all by saying I stared eating breakfasts and lunches.
    I lowered my intake to 1240 & have been weighing everything to the best of my ability.
    Still eating back exercise calories but underestimating them now.

    Haven t dropped any weigh what so ever still.

    So should I switch to the other plan and eat a maintenance for awhile?
    Or keep going with the lower calories to see if my body just needs getting use to it?
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Cut 100 calories from your daily total. See what happens.