Anyone lost weight with diet alone??



  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    yes. i did, and its literally just staying inside your daily cals.

    as for how many, that depends on you're height, sex and weight.

    best thing is go get your BMR, then times by 1.2 to get your maintenance calories, aka TDEE. then multiply that number by .75 or .80 which will give you a healthy deficit.

    stick inside of that intake and you will lose weight.

    any further question PM me.
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    yes! i dont really excercise at all, apart from walking a little a day, but thats just to get to places. I don't do any extra walking than what i need to.
    I weigh 10st 5, from 11st 4, and I've lost that in about 7weeks..
    I eat about 1400 calories a day

    I used to believe that you HAD to exercise in order to lose weight until a friend of mine whom had been heavy all her life and very LAZY to be nice.. LOL she lost 50 lbs by calorie restriction alone.. I know, I know a lot will disagree BUT it can be done.. Extremely heavy people can not do a Jillian Michael cardio routine ( I don't care what people say that is not a easy tape to do) for even the slightly over weight active people, when they are at there heaviest at best they can walk and usually it is very small distance's at a time..SO it can be done
  • karen_golfs
    karen_golfs Posts: 377 Member
    I lost 75 pounds from diet only - no exercise. I'm 5'7" and started at 250. I was 175 in less than one year following MFP calories - 1430 to start and lowering to 1390 after 55 pounds lost. Of course, now that I am lighter I want to walk everywhere. Good luck.
  • walkerkt00
    walkerkt00 Posts: 32 Member
    They say weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise and I'd have to agree. Of course you can lose weight through diet alone, many have done it, but I don't recommend. Even if your exercise is minimal (walking, bike riding, basic toning), it will have a huge impact on your health and aid your body in recovering from the weight loss (like loose skin). It will make such a huge difference in how your body looks and how you feel. I do not get out much, I try a pitiful jog once a week and do arm work with my baby girl as it entertains her and gets rid of my jelly arms. I hope to get much more in later, but time is an issue and right now the one element I can control is my diet. But it has worked, 20 pounds in just over 2 months :)
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    Definitely. I lost a lot of weight previously without working out. Fat loss is mostly about nutritional changes.

    It is easy to lose weight by diet alone. But if you want to look good you'll want to exercise. Diet is the cake, the base on which everything is built. Exercise is the icing. It makes the cake look good.
  • smaclean8
    smaclean8 Posts: 18 Member
    Oh my god! Everyone responding here eats horribly, horribly low calories! I totally understand why most people gain all of their weight back. It isn't sustainable if you have to eat BELOW your BMR to lose weight,

    That said, I've lost through lifting weights and diet while trying to get very lean. So zero cardio. I am 65.5 in tall and weighed 133 lbs at the time and got down to 124 in about 2 months eating 1600 cals per day and cheating occasionally on the weekends up to 2500 calories.
    I just can't imagine eating only 1200-1400 calories per day long term. That's like a child's diet. I'd rather fast every other day and consume double calories on non fasting days so I at least felt full sometimes.

    Sorry if I sound hypercritical, just didn't realize that people really ate that few calories.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    Thank you all for responding!! And congratulations to you all for your losses :)) I was curious on this subject so thought I would ask :) Hope some more people share their experiences with this too. Thx!!
  • thatbelinda
    thatbelinda Posts: 94 Member
    I'm about 167cm and 26 years old. I started at 72kgs and lost my first 7kgs from diet alone. I was 65kgs when I decided to join a gym, which is how I've lost the other ~5kgs.

    ETA: At first my calorie goal was 1450, then 1350, then 1280, then 1200. I recalculated every few kgs.

    Too low. If you're exercising you need to eat more.

    That's my net. I eat back pretty much all my exercise calories. Yesterday I ate over 1600 because I went for a jog and did some weights. My BMR is only ~1300 (TDEE ~1600 before exercise) so I don't really feel like this is too low for me. Thanks for the input though :)
  • IvyRose8
    IvyRose8 Posts: 25 Member
    I lost 20 pounds from diet alone (150 to 130). I purposefully didn't exercise because the number on the scale really mattered to me and I didn't want to risk any muscle growth messing up a lower number. I'm not saying that's smart... but that's where I was at, mentally.

    Once I reached my magic number I realized I still had 5-10 pounds of fat to lose so I added cardio and weights. That made an enormous difference in how I looked and felt.

    I suspect that you can lose weight by cleaning up your eating and not exercising. But exercising and not cleaning up your eating? Not so much. As they say, "Abs are made in the kitchen.".
  • Bama56
    Bama56 Posts: 101 Member
    i probably lost my last 50 lbs from diet, large summer load one summer kept me from working out like i should have.
  • Zachatchett
    I have lost 65 pounds when I was 17, from diet alone. I stopped drinking sodas, only water and powerade zero. I was 330, went down to 265 in about 4 months. And I ate very small portions. Don't know how many calories. Gained it all back with bad habits.
  • Firemansam79
    Firemansam79 Posts: 416 Member
    Lost most of mine from diet. I found it was harder to lose when I was workin out. I was working out hard and could not eat back even 1/2 my calories.

    But, even though I am not working out. I am staying busy.
  • j0705
    j0705 Posts: 185
    i lost 2 and a half stone in a few month with diet chef .. 1200 cal diet with no exercise at all.. more or less bed rest. it doesnt seem to be coming off now but im going to start some sort of exercise.

    height 5.9
    start weight was 17.6 may 2013 , started the diet in june and i'm 14.13 now and need to be under 12.1 to be in the healthy weight bracket :tongue:

    i'd definately recommend it.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    I've lost 50+ pounds several times with just a low-carb diet. Then Halloween comes, and I have one piece of candy, which leads to another. You know the story. It then took months (don't know why) to get back on track.

    This time, I've had surgery, but it's just a kick-start. Still have to avoid gaining it back. Hope new eating habits (with multivitamins and 60-80gm/day protein) will help. And if I get off track, using a 5-day liquid diet (w/protein shakes) to eliminate cravings and 1200cal/day to get rid of weight.

    My sister (who has not had surgery) learned this eating plan from me and has lost two sizes in the last three months.

    ps: I used to be unable to exercise at all due to bad knees; but as weight dropped, walking became possible.
  • gamergirl180
    I have lost 22 pounds in the last two months simply but cutting my calories and just going to work everyday.
  • BrookeBQ
    BrookeBQ Posts: 163 Member
    I lost about 18 pounds from just calorie counting (5'7, was 152 pounds). Then I got a Fitbit and now I've lost 26 pounds total
  • stephanieross1
    stephanieross1 Posts: 388 Member
    I've lost 25 lbs + diet alone.
    I was 170, now 145, just started jogging recently.
    its all about portions to me, and lots of water. ive been eating from 1200-1400 give or take.
    mind you its been a year, so slow weight loss
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    2 times since being here on MFP, sort of. I lost from diet alone for the first 6 to 8 weeks I was on MFP, then I started incorporating exercise in. At that point, I was doing around 1200 cals/day. I lost around 15 to 20 lbs that way and I felt good about that.

    The other time was maintaining through diet alone for about 6 weeks from March into late April after an ankle injury sidelined me. My calories tend to vary a bit with maintenance, more than when I was strictly losing.

    I have had good luck with it, but I feel exercising as well as dieting helps me to have a more toned figure. :drinker:

    When I joined MFP, I was down about 11 lbs from when I began this round of weight loss. I was about 181 lbs. I am now around 136 to 138 lbs (depending on when I step on the scale). I am between 5'6" and 5'7" tall.
  • cahtchme
    cahtchme Posts: 32 Member
    I don't get a chance to exercise per se. (I'm too cheap to buy a gym membership and once I get home from work I don't feel like leaving to go out).

    Before I had my son, I worked closer to home, and had more time to dedicate to either attempting the C25K or use my exercise bike.

    After I had my son, the routine changed a bit. I was able to fit in walking at lunch or waking up a bit earlier and taking advantage of the nice weather to ride my bike for a half hour or do more of the C25K.

    When he was six months old, I got a new job that requires more commute time (I'm gone 11 hours a when I get home I want to make the most of our together time before he goes to bed) and waking up a lot earlier. (While my neighborhood/biking path is in a decent area, I did not feel comfortable running/riding around in the dark wee hours of the morning). However, to make up for it, I do have to do a lot of walking with my new job. I take the bus so that requires walking to the bus stops. The building where I work is HUGE! I still walk at lunch as well. (And since I don't drive - if I want to go offsite for lunch, I have to walk 2-3 city blocks each way (if not more).

    So mainly my exercise is walking and picking up and putting down a hefty 20lb baby. :) So a lot of it is diet alone right now.
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