A new life

I've always been a few kilos heavier. When I was in college, I put on an additional 13 kilos which stuck with me over the next couple of years. Last year, I decided to tone down in time for my 24th birthday. I fell 6 kilos short of my goal weight - I lost 11 kilos though. I was happy about the way I looked.

Post birthday, I started eating. And eating and eating. I told myself I would stop the next day but I did not. I went through a hard time and I turned to food for comfort. And once the weight began piling on, I just let it.

And I'm back to where I was last year. And I can't take it. I look at the mirror and I feel so let down and defeated. I want to re-start my diet and exercise program. And this time I will make sure to lose the weight, and reach my goal weight this time and maintain it too!

Any support will be much appreciated! If there's anyone who wants to give me company, it would be super awesome!
