What am I doing wrong?

Good morning mfp,

Just need some advice really. I lost 62lbs with weight watchers a few years back and put some of that back on when I went through a rough patch. I lost some of this on my own but I am desperately trying to lose the last 18lb. I am sure I must annoy my family with being careful what I eat, exercising like mad and getting depressed when the scales don't show a weight loss.

I eat most days within my calories and eat most of my exercise calories as well but my weight hasn't budged for the last couple of weeks so now I am wondering if I am doing something wrong. When I lost weight with W W I lost it very easily but I didn't do any exercise so ended up being 'skinny fat' and now I am execising my butt off, I am not seeing the results! What am I doing wrong? Am I exercising too much? I know I could be building muscle and that is why I am not seeing a weight loss but i'd rather be losing lbs right now.

Any ideas????? Thanks.



  • GypsyPunkess
    My Mum had a second child at 37 years of age and has spent the last 2 years losing the weight she put on as well as losing more from before that. The last few weeks, she's been noticing she's not losing anymore weight but instead she is gaining more muscle. She looks very healthy, is the smallest she has been in years and I've had to remind her of that because she started getting depressed that she wasn't losing anymore weight.

    Think of it this way-The actual weight itself isnt the issue-it's are you happy when you look in the mirror, do YOU feel good about your health and are YOU healthy.
  • benw
    benw Posts: 211 Member
    I would bet you are putting on muscle, get a tape measure out.

    Keep up the good work a fit body looks better then a skinny one.
    SHALONDAG Posts: 50 Member
    Simone, slow and steady wins the race! Try not to stress yourself out. Stressing causes your boby to release cortisol ( the stress hormone) which my cause your body to hold on to body fat! I don't know what types of exercise you are doing, but you may be over doing it and putting to much stress on your body. Focus on lifestyle changes that you can sustain always. Good nutrition and activities you enjoy will improve your health and fitness. In your exercise routine, switch things up often so your body doesn't have time to adapt to the things you're doing ( often called muscle confusion). Also, muscle takes up less space, but weighs more than fat. Therefore, initially you may see some weight gains. Over time your muscle will burn more calories than fat and you will see results. It may take time to loss weight you want to lose, but you will lose it! Keep up the good work and hang in there!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Thanks guys I appreciate all the good advice. I must admit I don't feel very good about myself, even when I had lost a lot of weight so maybe it's time to look about myself differently and look at the positives rather than the negatives (bingo wings, flabby thighs.....)

    At the moment I am doing the 30 day shred alongside using the exercise bike or another workout dvd but i'm thinking about giving up on the shred and trying something else. I am a perfectionist so I don't like the idea of taking a rest day so I need to loosen up and try and enjoy exercise a bit more and not see it as a chore.

    Thanks again x
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I would change your workout routine or miss a day, and then zig zag your calories for a few days. Some times just changing things around will make you drop some weight again. Good luck.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    I would change your workout routine or miss a day, and then zig zag your calories for a few days. Some times just changing things around will make you drop some weight again. Good luck.

    Thank you, I have been thinking about changing my exercise routine so i'll try that and how do I zigzag my calories? Do I eat exercise calories one day and not the next? Or is it done differently?