Les Mills body pump vs. pump

Hey everyone,
I'm about to give up my gym membership so no more body pump classes, has anyone tried the home pump version? Is it as good as the classes? I don't want to buy it and then it be a really soft version...

Thanks in advance!


  • ewoolward
    ewoolward Posts: 4 Member
    My daughter left her weights at my house and I took them away with me this summer as ten weeks without pump was gonna be too long, and Les Mills in France ain't the same. I quietly recorded our last pump session so had something to go by because downloading the music doesn't give you the same 'cuts' and it was great, able to do 2 or 3 sessions a week all through the summer, but did miss the buzz of the class. I still do the odd session at home, as like this week 3 pumps were cancelled!! you do have to be tenacious though and still trying to source a moderately priced bench!! Go for it