Proud of myself for not piging out.

My hubby and I went to the annual Halloween party our friends hold every year. This party always has tons of food, and I usually end up eating some of everything in big portions. This year I didn't eat some of everything, I ate only the things that I really liked and in small portions. Its because of using the fitness pal app that I was able to do this. Paying attention to my intake of calories has really helped me make better choices. I really want to keep this up and log my meals daily, I have a great feeling this is going to really improve my life and help me get a slimmer waistline.

Thank you fitness pal!

Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools


  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    Brilliant! It's so tempting isn't it?!

    let's see if I can do the same at my Sister's birthday/Halloween party on Saturday. She's baking ... argh!