
ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
Hello, everyone. I have just started to use this site today. Previously, I was using a U.S. based site, which was very good and even tracked my percentage of fruits and vegetables a day, but since I have moved to the U.K., there are some foods I couldn't find there. I have started using this because it will be more accurate, but I will probably still use the other so I can make sure I get all my fruits and veggies every day, since that is one of my bigger goals. I was obese but have lost a lot of weight and am working to lose more by eating healthily and exercising, which is something I swore I'd never do, but these things change. I've got a wedding coming up, in under three weeks, and another one in the states so my family can attend, so I'm stressed and grouchy, and all I really want to do is eat chocolate, but I deal. My fiance is a very sweet man who cannot resist the temptation of a good fry-up or a nice chocolate bar at lunch. He lived on pizza until I got here and has lost weight since I moved in, but I do hate to hear about his various English breakfast and chocolate bar lunches. My goal is to weigh less than him by this wedding, which means I've really got to work hard for the next couple of weeks, and then to be at a completely healthy weight for the next wedding, which is a while away, so I've got time.

I love cooking and refuse to be bored with my diet, so I am always trying new things or trying to make old things a little healthier. I do a mean burrito and have finally mastered the art of healthy spag bol, but not doing so well with the banana carrot cake efforts. Anyway, I'll stop rambling. I'm sure it's nice to meet you all. ;)


  • raymj61
    raymj61 Posts: 142
    Good luck bella. There is some good info on this site from what I've seen if you dig through the message boards.
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Hello & welcome! It sounds like you are already well on your way to a healthier lifestyle so congrats to you!! I love this site. . .so many helpful tools and the people are so supportive & encouraging. I'm sure you're going to love it too :smile:
  • Hi! My name is Heidi. It's awesome to be apart of this site. Although my weight concern seems minimal compare to others, the warm welcome and support is awesome! I will be sharing your post with another MFP member who may contact you as well. Your story is so similar to hers, I just have to introduce you two. She may even have contacted you already. Thank you for your post. Have a great day!:flowerforyou: