Not Losing Any More - PCOS & HypoThyroid

I have managed to loose around 9 kilos in around 7 months. I was around 77 and now I am nearly 68+-1 kilo. But I have stopped losing weight since 2 months and I am on a dead end. I have tried cycling my calories, changing food to high protien low carb, upping my exercise and eating well. I am 5.2 feet and 31 years.

Initially I lost very quickly around 3 kilos in 1 month and then gradually it slowed down and stopped untill I touched the 69 mark. I have noticed if I eat less for a few days I weight goes down by a pound and the moment I eat a bit more it comes back on.

I workout around 5 days a eek and burn 300 calories on an average everyday from exercise. Soemdays its more and some days its just simple walk, so I have avaerged then out here. I tried having protien shakes but they dont satisfy me, I need substance to satisfy my hunger feelings. I cannot drink calories.

There have been no significant changes in my measurements also since a couple of month. Losing around 1 cm from waist and a couple of cm from hips. Rest all measurements are same. I dont want to go crazy on a workout and diet to loose last 7-8 kilos and gain them back. I want to do it the right way so that they are off forever. Please help me and motivate me with similar stories and your solutions. Should I be hearing the alarm bells or take it easy?