The 17 Day Diet

I'm interested in hearing others thought, feelings or opinions on the 17 day diet. Anyone have any experience with this diet?


  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    No thanks. I'm planning to live longer than 17 days.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    You wont generally get a lot of support for that type of diet here (just a friendly warning). The consensus here is that we like people to have a healthy relationship with food, where we understand, and follow, what is needed to increase health in the long term.

    Crash diets teach us very little except how to deprive ourselves and see food as 'the enemy'.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I loosely follow it. I love it. I exercise too much for it so I have to modify it or I starve. go with the original book, not any of the "updated" ones. Don't start the diet without having access tot he book. The first cycle sucks and is great all at the same time. Tomorrow is my last day of cycle 2. I've lost 10 pounds on it, but i only had about 20 left over all to lose.

    If you want to follow this plan, you have to cook every meal. And you have to be very diligent about what foods you select at the stores. As I said.. the first cycle sucks. It's hard because it cut out a lot of the "go-to" foods. BUT you get them back as you progress through the plan.

    You can add me if you want as long as you realize I am not a model example. You are only supposed to exercise for 17 minutes a day in cycles 1 and 2.. but I do an hour or more most days.. and I do ridiculous workouts and really push it. So I can't follow it exactly.

    You'll have a headache the 1st few days if you eat sugar and a lot of carbs now. I was lucky, that i didn't, but I didn't eat that stuff much. That would happen if you cut sugar out on your own too. It starts out low carb, low sugar, high fiber and high protein.

    Also, if you have a weird relationship with food, this plan helps overcome that. It helped me a lot in that area. There's a ton of yummy recipes too!!

    There is no calorie limit on this plan until cycle 3 or 4. It doesn't worry about portion sizes or anything. This is crazy but my friend and I all struggled to eat enough. We all track our intake and we were all coming in super low on calories and were stuffed. It's crazy. The high fiber high protein foods really fill you up. I recommend tracking though, just to check yourself and to make sure you're eating enough to be healthy. Do not eat only the suggested daily meal plan provided in the book. They are not enough food. You may use them as a guide, but add to them or you will be starving.

    Example: you are not supposed toe at avocado or peanut only peanut butter (none of the kinds with other ingredients) until cycle 3 (only 34 days no worries!) but i eat it now because I can't cook with oil. - In cycle 2 you are supposed to alternate carb heavy versus carb light days. Today I did a carb heavy day, even though I was supposed to to a carb light one because I ran a 5K. I also ate a banana because I needed the energy after the run.. that's a cycle 3 food. I also never cut out protein bars or shakes, because i lift heavy most days.. but if you get the body fortress brand it's a compliant protein powder.

    Also.. if you decide to follow this plan, you will spend a lot of time in the produce department and reading the ingredient lists on canned tomatoes, beans and other stuff. (you'll be looking for sugar free salt free ones!) And yogurt. get plain only (with the exception of 1 brand) with 2g or less of sugars and flavor it yourself at home. (does not necessarily mean light yogurt, fat free yogurt or regular, you have to read the label) Chobain fat free and regular works. carbmasters regular any flavor works. I have a list of them.
    Crash diets teach us very little except how to deprive ourselves and see food as 'the enemy'.
    Normally I'd agree with you.. but this one works and this one teaches you how to eat properly. It's more of a healthy eating plan or pathway then a diet. yes it restricts your food choices for the first 3 cycles (17 days each), yes it tells you to eat certain food before certain times, yes it give you a serving number not to exceed of starches and fruits each day. When you get to cycle 4, or maintenance, you eat anything you want. The plan even mentions eating desserts and sugar and other "unhealthy" foods. But it advocate and teaches moderation and control. Sort of like a cheat day for people who aren't following a plan or diet.
  • 0khawkins
    0khawkins Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you for all of your information! I actually have started it and Im on day 7. I've lost 7.5 lbs! I'm amazed at the results. I usually dont believe in this type of diet but I wanted to lose some weight quickly for a vacation at the end of next month. I love how you described it as a pathway cause thats exactly how I view it. I was planning to try and complete all 4 cycles and then merge into my usual eating program which is not unlike the later cycles anyway! Your'e right the first cycle sucks! I was very tired last week and i cant wait till cycle 2. Right now I feel great, tons of energy. I too have been exercising more than the recommended 17 minutes and noticed i was tiring quickly. Thanks again for your helpful advice and i will add you.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    Ask yourself this.. Would you be more interested in a 16 day or 17 day "diet".. Or a forever change? ;)
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    No thanks. I'm planning to live longer than 17 days.
  • bingefreeaubree
    bingefreeaubree Posts: 220 Member
    No thanks. I'm planning to live longer than 17 days.

    LOL :laugh:

    OP, I've never heard of the 17 day diet. I guess I'll have to Google it before I can criticize it. (Or talk positively about it. But most diets that are for a set amount of days tend to be very low calorie and bad for you. So I'm already assuming I'll probably have negative things to say. :tongue: )

    Edited after Googling: Maybe I'm just getting desperate, but it doesn't seem all that bad! Is there any way I could see this plan without having to pay for a book? Haha I know that makes me sound cheap, but I'm a college student and therefore I have no money. =P
  • 0khawkins
    0khawkins Posts: 30 Member
    Yes I guess if youre not familiar with the diet it must sound really gimicky. Its not really 17 days. Its made up of 4 17 day cycles that result in dramatic weight loss in the begining and end with a maintenance cycle that is supposed to prepare you for a lifetime change in eating habits.
  • 0khawkins
    0khawkins Posts: 30 Member
    Your local library probably has the book.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    Yes I guess if youre not familiar with the diet it must sound really gimicky. Its not really 17 days. Its made up of 4 17 day cycles that result in dramatic weight loss in the begining and end with a maintenance cycle that is supposed to prepare you for a lifetime change in eating habits.
    Your local library probably has the book.

    Will definitely read into it, but can't say that I'm very much for trying it, really.
    Let us know your personal results, please? :)
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    ...Im on day 7. I've lost 7.5 lbs!

    1 pound = 3,500 calories

    3,500 x 7.5 = 26,250 calories

    Do you really believe you had a 26,250 calorie deficit in the last 7 days?

    Odds are most, if not all, of that 7.5lbs was water weight... you probably would have lost just as much if you ate at maintenance, didn't over do it on sodium, and kept really well hydrated, i.e. 8+ glasses of water a day.

    I had neighbors who did the 17 day diet. They were so proud and from day 1 told everyone how great it was. That was over a year ago and I believe they have now gained it all back.

    17 day diet = a gimmick that can make it harder to make real changes that guarantee real long term results.

    All you need is a reasonable calorie deficit and to ensure you get the required nutrients. This is so much easier than the 17 day diet plus I get to eat pizza, bacon, mcdonalds, ice cream, and whatever else I want and never go hungry.
  • 0khawkins
    0khawkins Posts: 30 Member
    Yes youre right it probably is mostly water weight. I dont believe ive had that much of a deficit. Its called ketosis. Im not promoting this diet as the way to go, Im just trying it as a way to kick start some weight loss as I have an upcoming event (I have been recovering from a knee injury for a few months and have fallen back into some poor eating habits) So im trying this and i feel good and its working.I will return to my regular program after I complete the 4 cycles which is a lower carb style program also.
  • 0khawkins
    0khawkins Posts: 30 Member
    Right now my diet consists of chicken, turkey, salmon, eggs, egg whites, a little fruit, probiotics, a little cheese, and tons of veggies and green tea. I feel really good! And not hungry.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    Right now my diet consists of chicken, turkey, salmon, eggs, egg whites, a little fruit, probiotics, a little cheese, and tons of veggies and green tea. I feel really good! And not hungry.

    Hope it works out for you.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    ...Im on day 7. I've lost 7.5 lbs!

    1 pound = 3,500 calories

    3,500 x 7.5 = 26,250 calories

    Do you really believe you had a 26,250 calorie deficit in the last 7 days?

    Odds are most, if not all, of that 7.5lbs was water weight... you probably would have lost just as much if you ate at maintenance, didn't over do it on sodium, and kept really well hydrated, i.e. 8+ glasses of water a day.

    I had neighbors who did the 17 day diet. They were so proud and from day 1 told everyone how great it was. That was over a year ago and I believe they have now gained it all back.

    17 day diet = a gimmick that can make it harder to make real changes that guarantee real long term results.

    All you need is a reasonable calorie deficit and to ensure you get the required nutrients. This is so much easier than the 17 day diet plus I get to eat pizza, bacon, mcdonalds, ice cream, and whatever else I want and never go hungry.

    And the first 7.5 pounds you lost? Were they not water weight?? Doubtful.

    Glad for you, that you can eat pizza and ice cream and bacon and whatever else you want! If you ate all those foods you listed at the end there, everyday all day for every meal you'd lose 0, actually you'd probably gain. The sodium alone would cause you to retain water. Glad you can eat it in moderation. And just because you *can* eat something, doesn't mean you should. (btw, I can eat a lot of what you listed too, (c4!!) if choose to, even on the diet.. I just choose not to)

    Some of us need guidelines to follow. Some of us need a point A to start at. Some of us need something more specific then "eat less" or "eat in deceit". Not saying that doesn't work. It does. I lost a ton doing just that. But then I stopped losing for a long long time. I tried eating more, eating less, changing exercise, changing my diet.. this worked. nothing else. and as I add more foods back in, so I can get back to "eat whatever I want, at defect and in moderation" and still lose and keep it off.

    Your friends/neighbors who did it and gained it all back, simply went back to their old eating habits. They didn't embrace the book or what it teaches. Sounds like they just followed the food plan for the 3 cycles of 17 days, lost some weight and then dove back into the cookies and ice cream. Not what the book teaches. And exactly what would happen to anyone if they stopped being mindful of what they ate and just ate. Healthy eating and living is a forever change, that's what the book teaches and is what you are advocating.

    I don't think you know much about this plan. The first 2 cycles are rough. The third is better and the 4 is pretty much eating the way you are advocating to eat. Only this book gives us a pathway to learn to eat that way and to learn to make better choices. It says.. start here, then step here, then step here and so on. It's goal is to teach you proper nutrition for life, and yes you lose a lot of weight in the first few weeks. Everyone i know who really follows the plan, loses a lot initially and then it balances out to normal weight loss numbers. And those who actually embrace what it teaches, keep ti off.

    ETA: If you're following this plan and you're hungry, you're not doing it right. I am so full i struggle to eat enough most of the time. The days I am hungry are days I "fall off the wagon" so to speak. And yes, i know it's fake hunger because sugar is a huge trigger for me, but i have the worst time eating to satisfaction when I make bad choices.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am not one for restriction at can tell by my diary.

    But...I read the book, did it and lost my first 25lbs using this method. I have kept it off since April of 2013 (not a year I know) but that being said I am here and counting and still losing.

    This plan is a good starter for those who need that boost....would I use it exclusively enough energy on the first 34 days to even do Zumba even tho I was eating lots of food...

    That being said it's a good boost and is worth it if you need that to get you going but don't expect to be able to do it until goal weight unless you have 15lbs to lose.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    ...Im on day 7. I've lost 7.5 lbs!

    1 pound = 3,500 calories

    3,500 x 7.5 = 26,250 calories

    Do you really believe you had a 26,250 calorie deficit in the last 7 days?

    Odds are most, if not all, of that 7.5lbs was water weight... you probably would have lost just as much if you ate at maintenance, didn't over do it on sodium, and kept really well hydrated, i.e. 8+ glasses of water a day.

    I had neighbors who did the 17 day diet. They were so proud and from day 1 told everyone how great it was. That was over a year ago and I believe they have now gained it all back.

    17 day diet = a gimmick that can make it harder to make real changes that guarantee real long term results.

    All you need is a reasonable calorie deficit and to ensure you get the required nutrients. This is so much easier than the 17 day diet plus I get to eat pizza, bacon, mcdonalds, ice cream, and whatever else I want and never go hungry.

    And the first 7.5 pounds you lost? Were they not water weight?? Doubtful.

    Glad for you, that you can eat pizza and ice cream and bacon and whatever else you want! If you ate all those foods you listed at the end there, everyday all day for every meal you'd lose 0, actually you'd probably gain. The sodium alone would cause you to retain water. Glad you can eat it in moderation. And just because you *can* eat something, doesn't mean you should. (btw, I can eat a lot of what you listed too, (c4!!) if choose to, even on the diet.. I just choose not to)

    Nope, calories in vs calories out for weight loss.

    If a person eats pizza, ice cream, bacon, etc....and stays in a deficit. They'll lose weight.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member

    Nope, calories in vs calories out for weight loss.

    If a person eats pizza, ice cream, bacon, etc....and stays in a deficit. They'll lose weight.


    I didn't say eating 1 of those foods sometimes will make you gain. If you ate all that type of food everyday you'd be hard pressed to stay in a calorie deficit, Which is why I say you'd probably gain. Esp since most of them aren't filling. I used to eat a lot more of those foods and was always hungry. If you're not good for you. Different people, different needs. Without exercise I have a very small range to go from eating at deficit to over eating. 1 of those things would put me over or if I 'fit it in" i'd be starving as i'd have to skip real good filling foods from another meal. I'm glad that wouldn't be the case for you.

    As the poster above said. It's hard to exercise on this plan. You either have to cut back the exercise or modify the plan to accommodate for it. I chose option B, after trying option A and not being happy with it. I need to exercise. Exercise makes me happy.

    I love this plan. It gave me somewhere to start and gave me the kick in the pants I needed to get back to eating healthy. It's not for everyone and it's only going to work if you can stick with what it teaches and keep yourself in check when you do want or do eat ice cream and pizza.

    I also love all the new foods and recipes I get to try!! I'm excited to get to the next cycle!!
  • dessyjo
    dessyjo Posts: 176 Member
    I didn't try the diet, mostly cause the foods didn't sound very appetizing. I loved the 17 day workout though and that helped me lose some weight.

    My sister and grandma tried the diet part and said that after 3 days they were beyond starving! My sister was begging my grandma to cook her some actual food.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    Nope, calories in vs calories out for weight loss.

    If a person eats pizza, ice cream, bacon, etc....and stays in a deficit. They'll lose weight.


    I didn't say eating 1 of those foods sometimes will make you gain. If you ate all that type of food everyday you'd be hard pressed to stay in a calorie deficit, Which is why I say you'd probably gain. Esp since most of them aren't filling. I used to eat a lot more of those foods and was always hungry. If you're not good for you. Different people, different needs. Without exercise I have a very small range to go from eating at deficit to over eating. 1 of those things would put me over or if I 'fit it in" i'd be starving as i'd have to skip real good filling foods from another meal. I'm glad that wouldn't be the case for you.

    As the poster above said. It's hard to exercise on this plan. You either have to cut back the exercise or modify the plan to accommodate for it. I chose option B, after trying option A and not being happy with it. I need to exercise. Exercise makes me happy.

    I love this plan. It gave me somewhere to start and gave me the kick in the pants I needed to get back to eating healthy. It's not for everyone and it's only going to work if you can stick with what it teaches and keep yourself in check when you do want or do eat ice cream and pizza.

    I also love all the new foods and recipes I get to try!! I'm excited to get to the next cycle!!

    Yes, And would have to do with the line where you stated if you ate pizza, ice cream, etc a the person would gain.

    I was just pointing out that you can eat pizza, ice cream, Mc Donald's, etc... and if you stay in a deficit, you lose weight, just like if you eat too much "clean" food you gain. Moderation and IIFYM.