Going Out Of Town And Gaining Weight??

I hate going away from home I always gain weight when I do.. UGHH.. Im up 4 pounds so time to get back to it again. Takes me at least 2 weeks to get it off. I dont know why my body does this I guess change of diet and routine. Back to the drawing board. Does anyone else go through this too or am I the only one? :tongue:


  • melissalatzel24
    oh my word I'm the best person to know this. every year i am in spain for 2 months over xmas , new year and i gain like 4 kilos every year... then home to south africa for 3 weeks and lose it all... then to indo for 7 months and my weight goes up and down constantly because I'm always between places and nearby countries for short visits... if I'm away from south africa i struggle to stay consistent with diet , I'm eating anything and no routine... when I'm in SA (only 2 months every year) is the only time when food is familiar to me and no temptations and i can stick to some sort of consistent healthy eating plan. sometimes when i start to gain while travelling I'm more likely to binge every now and then and it all creeps up on me!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Wrong section.
  • rileyhall00
    I was thinking that with Xmas.

    I'm hoping to finish my weighloss prior to xmas, because I want to bulk. So Xmas should help me eat my TDEE + 10%.

    Just had a bucks party too on the weekend and food wise it killed me.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I do the same thing thus I dislike travel. I can't control myself as well with all the eating out and temptations. If you log all of your calories, you should have proof where it came from and also, I tend to shed the weight in about one week. Most of it might be water weight or the body's response to a different environment.

    I shed about 3 lbs 5 days after returning and I didn't eat less so it must have been water, etc?
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    No offense but I poop 4 lbs lol...it's nothing. Think of it this way..there are 3500 calories in 1 lb of fat. So unless you ate 14000 (plus your maintenance for each day) calories over the weekend while you were gone there is absolutely no scientific way that this was fat storage. I'm willing to bet my life that it's water weight from eating some different things. Drink alot of water and it will actually help you shed any excess water weight your body may have retained.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    When you go out of town you're probably eating out more often than you normally would...restaurant foods are laden with sodium which causes water retention. If you eat more carbs than normal, this will also cause some water retention and combined with an increase in calories you're going to restock glycogen stores. To gain 4 Lbs of actual fat would be a pretty tall order unless you were gone for weeks.
  • bex4health
    bex4health Posts: 45 Member
    I have this same problem!!! I visit my very unhealthy in-laws and try to bring some protein bars and grab a few things from the grocery store but it's inevitable I'm going to consume what she makes or where we end up. The temptation is very hard too, they have their after dinner desserts every night! I am trying harder to get some exercising in more, watch my portions, and resist temptations. It's hard and I'm getting better with every visit.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Good job everyone that experiences this - you just increased your Lean Body Mass, and your metabolism, for a little bit.

    I wouldn't be too eager to lose that good water weight.

    Sodium related stuff, sure, in a day or two that's gone, but stored glucose with water - that's mighty useful.

    And it's not fat. And you'll gain it again when you eat at maintenance anyway.
  • amyfliesalot
    amyfliesalot Posts: 51 Member
    Unfortunately, it's the story of my life! I'm a flight attendant, have a really screwy schedule, and have to take 3 days worth of food with me on all my trips. When I'm successful, it's because I've been drinking lots of water and not eaten any airplane, restaurant, or processed foods. I have the hardest time when I go to my parents' house for a few days. I'm usually so busy doing chores for them that I don't drink any water, and am forced to eat Mom's "Paula Deen-style" meals because I don't want to hurt her feelings by not eating what she's cooked. So, I'm not sure what the answer is. I probably need to be more selfish and take care of myself while there...
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I hate going away from home I always gain weight when I do.. UGHH.. Im up 4 pounds so time to get back to it again. Takes me at least 2 weeks to get it off. I dont know why my body does this I guess change of diet and routine. Back to the drawing board. Does anyone else go through this too or am I the only one? :tongue:

    Nope you're not the only one. I went out of town on a road trip on Friday and this morning was up 6 lbs. Food while you travel is packed full of sodium. As everyone has been saying, just drink alot of water. I've already dropped 2lbs of that water weight from this morning. Traveling also can make you irregular, so once things get back to normal, the weight will "go" away.
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member
    Thank you all for your advise.. I can see Im not the only one. I feel like I am.. Im down a pound in 3 days so its all down hill from here it will come off but slowly.. ughh... Ya'll are amazing. :)
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member