On the road - eating tips? fast food suggestions?

I'm headed off to Phoenix tomorrow (from Albuquerque) with my mother and 2-yr old daughter to go visit relatives for 5 days. I ALWAYS gain weight when traveling and I think I know why. I figure my food choices are not in my control anymore both on the road and as a guest in someone's home, so I use that as an excuse to eat anything and everything.

For the road, anyone have suggestions as to the healthiest things to eat at popular fast food restaurants? I know Subway is a good pick, but what else?

How are all of you all resisting the Halloween candy? I'll be going Trick-or-Treating with my 2-yr old and her 3 cousins.... so much temptation!

Thanks for your suggestions!


P.S. I need friends to help keep me accountable - you all motivate me so much so please let me know if I can add you!


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    I am a frequent business traveler. I found following a healthy nutrition plan while traveling challenging.

    1) I take my own food. I take some portable fruit (apple, pear, clementines, etc), mixed nuts (almonds, walnuts,dried cranberry) in separate 1/4 cup plastic sandwich bags, high protein bars. I buy water bottle once I pass TSA check.

    2) I researched the airport map in the web to find the healthiest food outlet available. Sometimes they have one:laugh: (LOL). I buy my meal to go (no liquids).

    If you travel with your family carry the above to accommodate their food preference. Go back to your nutrition plan as soon as humanly possible.

    Safe travel

    Good luck
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    I travel a lot too-- and I had to just retrain my brain. I think before when I traveled I felt like I could enjoy every meal and not worry about it. But then I would come back and get frustrated or upset that I gained weight. Now I eat healthy when I travel 80% and allow myself small cheat meals, things that I wouldn't normally eat at home.

    I don't generally do 'fast' food-- but I will stop at places like subway, panera, grocery stores. If I have to go to a fast food, I look up their calories before going and make a plan. If i know we are going to dinner, I will have a small lunch and breakfast to make up for the calories. And on vacation, I try to walk everywhere.

    hope it helps =)
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Supermarket deli sections have lots of ready made foods that are often healthier than fast food. It is also much more cost effective.
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    I ALWAYS pack a cooler with everything I will be eating on the trip. Cook a bunch of chicken breast, no drain tuna, homemade chicken salad, fruit, oatmeal (get hot water at your stops), protein powder measured out in baggies, and just DON'T EAT THE HALLOWEEN CANDY! Just don't! Period. Failure to plan is a... Well, you get it.