Getting back on track

I'm back to MFP after being offline for 2 1/2 months! The summer consumed me! I didn't keep track of my daily calories but I was able to continue to exercise. My good eating habits got throw out the window and I am back to eating ice cream and fatty foods waaaay to often. Now that things are settling down (the kids are going back to school next week and no more out of town guests will be staying with us) I am motivated to get back on track and eat within my calorie range. I'm going to need lots of support so any shout outs would be GREATLY appreciated!



  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    Atta Girl!! No need to continue with the bad habits and just get depressed when you can just jump back on here and get going again! I'm the same as you, the exercise is no problem, but my eating habits need some help. Friend me and we'll motivate eachother!