Trying to get back into it...

I have been trying to lose weight for ohhhh about 5 years now (my son is 5) and I have been off and on. I am a single mom that works about 50 hours a week....It seems like I can't stick with it....I am trying so hard to get back in the mindset of losing the 30-40 pounds but it's hard! 30-40 doesn't seem much but again, I need to stick with it....I lose some...then get bored and get in my 'I give up' attitude and gain back what I lost . I LOVE seeing all of the success stories and I get motivated then I am like 'oh cake, ice cream, cookies!' and my motivation goes down the drain. It's definitely frustrating and I know it's my fault but I think I am in it for the long run now, I saw a picture of my face from this weekend and about died....i look way too much like my dad when my face is chunky and it's scary (that's sad that is my motivating factor)!
I could use all the support that I can get so feel free to add me!
