I need to lose 70lbs by May 2014 for BR surgury

I would love some support....

Last week I went to a consulation with my surgeon. I'm in the process of getting a breast reduction done. I desperately need this procedure. I suffer from back pain and feel pretty much ashamed meeting people for the first time since my breasts are so large :( I could be skinny and still have large ones so after years of just 'living with it' I decided to do something about it. My cosmetic surgeon is amazing, support and realistic. He wants me to lose 70lbs before my surgery so that my body will recover easier and I would like the results better. I have my surgery booked for June of 2014 but I need to lose the 70lbs by my pre-op appointment date (May 15). I truly believe I can do this! It's just such a lifestyle change for me!! I'm a pop-aholic. My surgeon told me just laying off the pop will get rid of at least 20lbs in 3 months!!

Anyway I was wondering if anyone on here ever had a breast reduction/or had a large amount of weight to lose in less than a year? I would LOVE to make some support friends on here. Please feel free to add me :)


  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    I think 70 pounds by May is possible but you'll have to be nearly perfect and let's face it...most of us aren't. I wish you tremendous success and luck but think you should probably push everything back by a few months to be safer. You are putting a lot of pressure on yourself with such a deadline.

    I'm large breasted and have toyed with the idea of getting a reduction for many years. I am fortunate in that I don't have pain, they are just big, saggy, and get in the way. For now I'm working on losing my weight and accepting myself for who I am and what I look like. I may change my mind later, who knows. :)
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member
    I had a breast reduction, and the surgeon was clear that I needed to be within a normal weight range, before she'd do the surgery. She wanted to be completely sure that my breast-size wasn't dependent on my weight. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself. It's a big surgery, but I am really satisfied with the results. If you have questions, feel free to pm me!