I can't get back on track without the aid of diet pills.

First of all, a little background. I lost fifty pounds at one point in my life, and gained thirty of that back do to depression and stress and being a lazy hermit. But now I'm back on track and have lost almost half of what I regained.

My weight loss process has always been the same. I start off by taking some kind of thermogenic whatever (Currently have Oxy Elite Pro, and Hydroxycut) I'll lose about 4-6 lbs that first week, then I have about a month and a half of normal weight loss, then I take a long (too long) break, without gaining anything back. I'm ending one of the long breaks right now, it's been about 2 months and I've lost one pound. I'd like to be able to start without the extra push but I just can't find the motivation. Are there any alternatives I could try?


  • hbmcracer
    hbmcracer Posts: 105 Member
    Our safety department at work sent us an email about the Oxy Elite Pro issue, but I have deleted it. but here's a website that talks about it.

  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Could try logging food intake and eating at a deficit. Works really well, and costs nothing.

    Also, maybe check out reports of liver failure and hepatitis from Oxy Elite Pro.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I'm against using diet pills. Unless you have some type problem losing weight and are prescribed diet pills by a doctor, I wouldn't take them and I don't see any reason you can't do it the old fashion way by watching what you eat and exercising. Your post only mentioned diet pills as the reason for your weight loss. What else are you actually doing to contribute to the loss? 4-6 pounds a wk is a lot, so if you are considering your weight-loss a fail bc you only lost 2 pounds a wk, well, you shouldn't.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Set small goals and go from there. If you are one that lacks motivation and can't just kick yourself in the butt to get up and get moving, then take it one step at a time.

    Also, PATIENCE! I don't know how heavy you are, but losing 4-6 lbs in 1 week doesn't seem like a "life style" change. Which is what you should try for so it can be long term and not a short term "diet".

    Try and find an exercise you enjoy. I love volleyball and have found places to play twice a week. Although, getting up and exercising isn't always what I want to do, but I love the results. -Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do to get the results that you want.

    Congrats on the weight loss thus far and goodluck
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    First of all, a little background. I lost fifty pounds at one point in my life, and gained thirty of that back do to depression and stress and being a lazy hermit. But now I'm back on track and have lost almost half of what I regained.

    My weight loss process has always been the same. I start off by taking some kind of thermogenic whatever (Currently have Oxy Elite Pro, and Hydroxycut) I'll lose about 4-6 lbs that first week, then I have about a month and a half of normal weight loss, then I take a long (too long) break, without gaining anything back. I'm ending one of the long breaks right now, it's been about 2 months and I've lost one pound. I'd like to be able to start without the extra push but I just can't find the motivation. Are there any alternatives I could try?

    Do you exercise?

    Yoga (although not a big calorie burner) ...is great for relieving stress, and stress can pack on the pounds.

    I agree with Amelia - diet pills don't "teach" you anythng. To keep any weight off in the future, you've got to learn how to lose it in the first place.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    My weight loss process has always been the same. I start off by taking some kind of thermogenic whatever (Currently have Oxy Elite Pro, and Hydroxycut) I'll lose about 4-6 lbs that first week, then I have about a month and a half of normal weight loss, then I take a long (too long) break, without gaining anything back. I'm ending one of the long breaks right now, it's been about 2 months and I've lost one pound. I'd like to be able to start without the extra push but I just can't find the motivation. Are there any alternatives I could try?

    Just as a note that 4-6lbs is probably just water weight and you would lose it regardless of the pills...just count calories and stay at a reasonable deficet.

    I am a hermit too...esp in the winter (I hate being cold) but I work out at home.

    And to be blunt if you want to lose the weight just do it, count your calories, a little exerise if you want and accept that there are no short cuts.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    If you're constantly thinking you can't then you'll never find the motivation because your brain stops the motivation from even happening.

    Take charge of yourself. There's absolutely no reason you can't. It's perhaps cliche, but 'I think I can' does wonders versus 'I think I can't'.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    I wouldn't touch diet pills if my life depended on it. Rather be set on fire, very slowly.

    You will only be hurting yourself in the long run, not to mention who knows what the HECK they put into those pills that my also damage your organs :|

    Just count calories. As said above, cheaper. (Plus healthier!)
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    Maybe either join a group like Weight Watchers or similar, where you have to go to a meeting or something to weigh in - or sign up to work out with a trainer for your first month - both of those give you accountability (and being that they're something you spent money on, may give even more motivation to stick with it) and may help at least get into the swing of things without resorting to diet pills. It usually takes me about a month to get in my groove, and after that it's smoother sailing and I don't struggle as much with motivation. Plus, after the first month, you should see some nice results and that usually keeps me going, as well. Good luck.
  • What else are you actually doing to contribute to the loss? 4-6 pounds a wk is a lot, so if you are considering your weight-loss a fail bc you only lost 2 pounds a wk, well, you shouldn't.

    I count calories and log my food intake as well. I exercise when I can, which is usually two or three days a week. (I go to school full time and work part time and sleep when it's convenient)

    I don't use them on their own, and I only use them for the first week as a boost. After that I ween myself off and then it's all me. it's just starting that I have the problem with!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    no... you don't want to get back on track without the aid of diet pills.

    the fact is that you are fully capable of doing this on your own without something like a diet pill. but somewhere down the line you've convinced yourself that you are weak and need a crutch. i promise you that it is not true.
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    make it exciting by eating really healthy meals you cook yourself.. check out some nice recipes online.. try to think of it as a nice new healthy you, rather than some chore you need to get done
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    My friend's sister went into a coma using diet pills (not over-using either, the reports say she had the recommended dose in her system). I'm too chicken to use them, I just work on my calories, eat out less, and exercise.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    What else are you actually doing to contribute to the loss? 4-6 pounds a wk is a lot, so if you are considering your weight-loss a fail bc you only lost 2 pounds a wk, well, you shouldn't.

    I count calories and log my food intake as well. I exercise when I can, which is usually two or three days a week. (I go to school full time and work part time and sleep when it's convenient)

    I don't use them on their own, and I only use them for the first week as a boost. After that I ween myself off and then it's all me. it's just starting that I have the problem with!

    Have you tried shakes for a weight loss boost? I don't use them, but I hear great reviews, plus they seem much healthier than pills.
  • Luuvy
    Luuvy Posts: 602 Member
    no... you don't want to get back on track without the aid of diet pills.

    the fact is that you are fully capable of doing this on your own without something like a diet pill. but somewhere down the line you've convinced yourself that you are weak and need a crutch. i promise you that it is not true.


    You are what you think and weight loss is as much mental as it is physical. You have to believe that you can do this. You DO NOT need diet pills all you need is the will to want to lose the weight and the actions it takes to lose it. Good luck:-)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    It isn't that you need the pills to assist your weightloss, you have just convinced yourself that it is impossible or too difficult to do it without them.
  • I know the answers I'll get are various forms of "just do it!" But I'm asking for alternatives. Just to give me an energy boost. Other than caffeine? Anyone? :cry:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    have an apple. i read once that an apple has the same amount of energy as a can of coke, so i switched my afternoon soda with an apple, and it's great.

    also, working out will provide you with energy. i know, you're too tired to work out. so am i. but i know that about five minutes in the blood will be flowing and i'll start feeling better.
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    I thought the same thing, until I did it myself. I lost over 63 lbs many years ago on phentermine and was working out like a beast. Unfortunately when I went off the pills (gradually) I had not learned to control my eating and I gained it all back. I also lost the false sense of energy and motivation from the pills, so I got lazy about working out. All that being said, I know the pills screwed up my metabolism so it has been harder this time for me. I decided to get really serious about my health instead of trying so hard to get skinny. As others have posted, I made small, sustainable changes and took things slow. I learned that I need to develop better habits rather than seeing weight loss as a race that will have an end. I now see weight loss as a byproduct of a healthy lifestyle and it has worked well. Plus I'm rebuilding my metabolism as I go. Good luck whatever path you choose!!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Exercise is great. I jog and do the treadmill first thing in the morning. After your first 3 or 4 days of this, you will notice you have more energy during the day. Also balance out your food intake. Good mixture of carbs and protein throughout the entire day. Eat an apple or another piece of fruit in the late afternoon or when you start to feel the fatigue in the day settle in. Drink plenty of water through out the day.

    If getting started is hard, find a buddy to do it with. If you don't know someone, try looking for people on MFP that live close to you and try befriending another girl that wouldn't mind exercising with you. MFP has a tool to find people that live near you. You can filter out by an age range, sex, and distance from where you live. Look at profiles and then ask if anyone is looking for a workout partner.