Halloween candy...............

is killing me and it is not even Halloween yet. My two little guys have already had between them 3 different parties and OMG the candy I have in my house:( I have always had a problem with chocolate and this time of year is extremely trying!!!

What are you doing to avoid the candy???


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
  • skinnyforcruise2013
    I'm eating it! My daughter decided we'd better get some...so 7 bags later they are sitting in my house mocking me! LOL

    So far it's ok, but I'm hoping not to binge anytime soon.

    Good luck!
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Gonna give out the candy to the kids who come to the door asking for candy. They'll say "Trick or Treat" and I'll be like, "nice costume, have some candy".

    I am facing a bit of a dilemma, since I have some leftover candy from last year. I don't know if it makes a difference in taste, but it seems wrong to give out year-old candy.
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    My husband already bought our Halloween candy to hand out about 2 weeks ago. Of course the bags didn't stay closed for too long. He and the kids have been going to town and there's nothing I can do to stop them. I just have them in a cupboard that I don't open myself and don't have to look at. So far, I've not had any and I feel good about my choice!

    Good luck to you!
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    I keep the candy bags in my 11 months old closet lol. Sounds weird but I can avoid the candy all day but at night I fiend for it....but not enough to risk waking up the baby for some candy so if I leave it in there, I won't touch it!
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I just eat it all because then there's none left to tempt me. you're welcome OP.
  • LePetitCochon
    What are you doing to avoid the candy???

    Not eating it.
  • Predsfan2013
    Predsfan2013 Posts: 64 Member
    I am making sure I log the pieces I eat. I will see that damage and will not do it again.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    You could easily fit a few pieces into your day if you want, you know.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I only bought 500 pieces this year and I don't want to have to buy more for the trick-or-treaters (we usually get at least 500). Also, it "helps" that there are a lot of birthdays this time of year and I've been eating cakes instead.
  • ZeldaMarooner7
    Easy! :D Give it all to a friend or neighbor. Have your boys pick out like, 8 pieces for them selves. If they get upset, just say, "Mommy needs candy out of the house. Mommy is not allowed to eat any." They should understand. :3

    I hate candy, so when I get stocked up on lots of it, I give it all to friends or neighbors. (You can save maybe a couple pieces for yourself) :3
  • MissDeeDee78
    MissDeeDee78 Posts: 415 Member
    Eeeeks!!! :embarassed: Mini Mars bars over the weekend for me.
  • julies90
    julies90 Posts: 646 Member
    Don't buy any until Halloween day. :)
  • Cdn_Dot
    Cdn_Dot Posts: 53 Member
    Not buying it in the first place, or that's the plan. We usually don't get trick or treaters so we advoid buying it before Halloween. Sure enough last year we had 9 trick or treaters and they got stale granola bars (oops). This year I bought a large box of microwave popcorn from Costco and they will get a bag of that. If they come back.....
    Next mission, to advoid buying Halloween treats AFTER Halloween!
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    I will eat a piece when I feel like it and when I can fit it in, and log it. Otherwise, Halloween candy in my house gets turned into fodder for Holiday treat making...! (Add M&Ms to cookies, save plain chocolate for turtles, melt hard candy for stained glass cookies, etc)
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    What are you doing to avoid the candy???

    Not eating it.


    OP - The good thing about Halloween candy is that it's in smaller portions which usually can easily be sqeezed into your calories for the day. Yes, it takes practice to not eat 10 fun size kit kat bars in one sitting, but that only usually happens if you force yourself to not have any. If you allow yourself to have 1 a day or every 2 days or whatever, it's a lot easier :) Hope that helps!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    My daughter has so far done 2 rounds of trick-or-treat and one more to come on Thursday. I did allow myself a fun size Snickers and tootsie roll yesterday. i can justify the Snickers as that is my absolute favorite. It was a nice treat - especially after walking around all day myself.

    She has one more round on Thursday.

    So far, I took a few pieces to work to last me the week - not one piece is more htan 100 calories. I also hid the rest in a cabinet above the fridge. If I start to steal candy from it I will have my husband hide it!
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Pick a few pieces that you really like, log it to make sure it fits, and then eat it :bigsmile:

    Don't punish yourself by forbidding yourself to eat it. Barring diabetes or insulin sensitivity, a couple of pieces will not hurt you. I promise!
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Eat it. Log it. :smile: