Don't forget the strength training!!

Liz75 Posts: 80 Member
Cardio work burns calories and its easy to focus more on cardio because of this website (tracking calories) in order to eat more (if need be)! I will go for a walk, run or bike ride to burn calories...but what about strength training? I'm trying to include it now also -gym ball, resistance bands and the Shred DVD includes strength training too.:wink:
I have recently read ( from 'The Runner's Handbook') that it is important to increase muscle mass for a weight loss program to be effective as muscle is metabolically more active than fat: one pound of fat burns 2 calories a day to maintain itself, whereas a pound of lean muscle mass burns 30 to 50 calories a day!! Big difference! So don't forget the strength training everyone! :bigsmile:


  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I totally agree. I also started with the 30 Day Shred for some strength training, and now I've graduated to Chalean Extreme where the weight training is much more focused. It's definitely helped, even with having another 25+ pounds to lose to be a healthy weight. I definitely recommend putting a few days of strength training in.
  • alpha2omega
    alpha2omega Posts: 229 Member
    Strength training is definitely beneficial to you whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle mass or be in better condition. It is true that lean muscle burns more calories than fat, however, I believe your estimate is a bit optimistic. Lean muscle typically burns closer to 6 calories per day vs fat which burns 2 calories per day. I have about 160 pounds of lean muscle so if I was burning say 30 calories per pound per day I would be burning 4800 calories a day at rest. At 6 calories per pound of lean muscle I burn about 960 calories at rest which seems more reasonable. Don't forget that when you are on a weight loss program you typically don't gain any muscle mass since you are at a caloric deficit. The benefit of weight training while you lose weight is to actually preserve as much lean muscle as you already have. Thats why they say not to lose more than 2 pounds per week because on average those who do lose more than 2 pounds a week are also losing lean muscle along with fat. If you aim for 2 pounds a week most of what your losing will be fat. Best of luck! =0)