Is Eating Low Carb & Training For Half Marathon Possible?



  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    HAHA! Apologies!

    I actually meant at your YOUNG age! You are younger than me. As you get older it gets easier to be competitive at a slower speed :) I can't wait to "age up" into the 40s. I'll be more competitive then!
  • RunBrew
    RunBrew Posts: 220 Member
    Out of curiousity what is a competitive time range for a 1/2? Purely since you've piqued my interest not because top heavy midgets like myself intend to rock out that kind of crazy training!

    Use the column on the right side of the page to adjust your demographics.

    That link will give you a per-mile pace not a total time.
    Convert the pace to time, or input a goal time to get a target pace using this link
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    HAHA! Apologies!

    I actually meant at your YOUNG age! You are younger than me. As you get older it gets easier to be competitive at a slower speed :) I can't wait to "age up" into the 40s. I'll be more competitive then!

    Awesome, that's like me and playing "classics" soccer...defeinetly an advantage once I'm at that age!
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    Out of curiousity what is a competitive time range for a 1/2? Purely since you've piqued my interest not because top heavy midgets like myself intend to rock out that kind of crazy training!

    Use the column on the right side of the page to adjust your demographics.

    That link will give you a per-mile pace not a total time.
    Convert the pace to time, or input a goal time to get a target pace using this link

    Cool, my 10km time is under the average for my age but the further I run the slower I'll get so it's doable to be under 2 I'll just have to work a bit harder to make up for the slow down, thanks for the info!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I don't see a problem, as long as you're eating enough, paying attention to how you feel, making adjustments as needed, and your goal is to run a half marathon, not win a half marathon. I eat a low carb diet at about 150 grams a day. Some people eat a low carb diet at 250 grams a day, and some people do it at 50 or less.
  • Deanna_garnermommy
    Deanna_garnermommy Posts: 118 Member
    I think you are fine as long as your body is okay with it! I am a low carber and I run!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    How fast can you run a mile? Under 2 would be great, I don't think I could do it. I just did a 10 mile in 1:37 which is about 9:45 min miles.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I cannot imagine a life without Cheez-its and Goldfish, but best of luck to you :huh:
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    Haha yeah WIN a half marathon is not my goal, it's funny how I never even considered there being something you could win...obvs I think finishing = I'm WINNINGEST!

    Glad to hear it's possible I will still up my carbs but I won't start eating 300 carbs a day on a regular basis or anything, I'll adjust if I feel exhausted that'll be a good indicator methinks.

    I like the IDEA of cheezits, cause I love cheese but it's like mac n cheese the colour tricks me into thinking it's super cheesy and then it totally isn' orange dye #7 isn't my favourite food. But things like taco salad with cilantro sour cream and pico de gallo...I'd much rather have num num.
  • xenl
    xenl Posts: 46 Member
    What exactly do you consider to be a carb and what are you not considering carbs? Like, are you discounting fruits and veggies as wonderful carbs?
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I was on a cut with low carbs when I gave myself 5 weeks to train for two half in two days over the weekend. It was absolutely brutal on me, and loaded the carbs by the middle of the third week. I had some mid energy and my performance was slacking. Not to mention I got a little cranky I was told, and that is not me at all.

    I don't think I will do it ever again...
  • GoldFish1326
    GoldFish1326 Posts: 81 Member
    Oh no I just originally wondered if I'd have to change how I'm eating now once training starts!

    Potatoes and squash are up there for go to carbs and I eat a fair bit of veggies as is currently just no real bread, pasta rice kind of stuff!