Portion control+ buying expensive

I am doing it!

Okay back story:

Feel free to skip:
I started my diet about September 9th which is a little over two months ago.

The first month went great. Well it was rocky at first... and I took someone's advice about upping my calories from 1,200 and changed it to 1,400 (with a hard limit at 1,500). At first I felt this was cheating because it seemed both excruciatingly hard but also easier than I thought- but this is because I came into some grocery money and was able to spend $10-$20 a day on food. So I'd be able to buy about six lean cuisines or healthy choices or smart ones at 1,440 calories or so. I was able to do this for like two and a half weeks, and it really helped immensely. That money is gone now, of course. Now I have a food budget of around $130/month cause I'm a poor mofo. If I was rich, this diet would be a sitch.

I got down to 219lbs, meaning I had lost about 13lbs at a guestimate (at the beginning I didn't have a scale to measure myself but I think I was at 233~)

But then... tragedy struck! I told myself I could have a part with friends and eat over my calories. one party turned into two... turned into two or three weeks of just not dieting. After I went back up to 214lbs I mentioned to my bf how I was cheating and he was great... and went all dom mode on me (he's a switch, I'm a dominatrix) and said that if I ate the two bags of chips I was planning to eat he would cane me 10 times. I still ate them. They were delicious. The number was slowly raised up to 30 stripes, since I mentioned that it was worth it XD repeatedly. I still have not received them.

After that, I got back on track. I just can't go off my diet, otherwise I lose my rhythm. Part of this is that I always post my numbers on myfitnesspal now- even if I cheat. Especially if I cheat. Seeing the numbers helps me to have control.

This means putting up everything. Because saying "oh this sports drink only has 35 calories there is no reason to add it" soon turns into 300 calories you didn't add. The only things I don't add are ketchup and salsa and occasionally non starch negative calorie vegetables (I usually add vegetables though. )

I am learning portion control. It still drives me crazy to not feel "stuffed". But I am enjoying the taste of food now. I will eat one cheese hot dog and savor the way it tastes rather than eating three or five of them. I eat tons of small portions of food throughout the day.

But I was still having trouble controlling my portions and eating only one serving when it came to thinks I cooked like pasta. Or things I bought that were not already packaged in single serving.

I realized part of it was that I was using the bulky (always too big or too small) cheap dollar store tupperware (five for 1). I hated using it- i felt like it had an aftertaste if I did.

So I went out today and bought some $4/for 3 tupperware. It's great... air tight seal, small... portion size...

I made macaroni and cheese. Velveeta. When I served myself I took out TWO (instead of one) of the small tupperwares... and put one serving in each, and one serving in my bowl. In the past I would put all the rest in a single tupperware- which always resulted in my nuking the leftovers and eating all of them.

I put the two other servings in the fridge.

I ate my serving. I am still really hungry- I feel the pull. but I know I can resist it! I finally did it!

I'm poor, but sometimes knowing something is cheap can be a roadblock. Buying the nice tupperware is helping so much. I know there won't be an aftertaste and the food looks really cute in it's single serving packs. and it'll be easy now to just use it as a side dish rather than dumping it all together and eating it as soon as I get hungry!

YAY. I'm so happy right now.