Looking for advice...

Hey everyone!

So, today was my third failed workout in a row--I'm on a C25K program and in my last phase which involves all running (no walk breaks allowed!), and up until this point I've had doubts about being able to progress but I've pushed through them. Suddenly, I can't make my time goals... which sucks because not only did I start believing in myself (only to be really disappointed by recent events) but I've actually done the requisite amount of running time twice before now, so I feel like I'm going backwards. :sad: I'm also starting to panic because I have a really busy stretch of work in September and I feel like I need to finish the program by the end of August so I can focus on maintaining my fitness and not building it in Sept.

I've tried adjusting my carb intake, my protein intake, and my calorie intake and nothing has helped. The only other big change I could make is time of day--because of my shift work, I've been running in the morning rather than the afternoon, but I'll try an afternoon run on Sunday when I'm back on day shifts. Still, I'm kind of stumped about what else might be throwing me off my game. I know that part of it might be my attitude, but I didn't really start feeling upset until the end of failed workout #2, so I don't think it's that. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    Have you downloaded the free Couch to 5K podcast? That helped me a lot when I did it, because the guy who made them really motivates you to keep going. Or maybe change your music? That always refreshes my outlook on running for at least a few runs.... good luck and hang in there!!
  • unocentavo
    unocentavo Posts: 82 Member
    Maybe a tad more rest or sleep? Running really takes it out of you. Some weeks I can run without hardly tiring and the next week I'll be getting horrible shin splints, the hamstrings start tightening up and I seem to have no energy. I think sometimes it just takes the body longer to adapt to the extra stress. If you feel like you need an extra rest day, take it. When you go at it feeling great, push yourself a little further then. Sounds like you're doing waaay better than average to me.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    RELAX!!!!! take a deep breath and RELAX!!! maybe take a little break from it (a few days) and start fresh,....it sounds like you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself and that is your biggest enemy right now.....just a thought!!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Thanks, you guys! I'll definitely try the podcast, and I'll see if an extra rest day helps at all. I really appreciate your support!! :flowerforyou: