Couch to 5k: who has done it?



  • BrendanScrote
    BrendanScrote Posts: 61 Member
    This has been interesting reading. I was thinking about trying it, but with the cold and snow coming up, maybe I should wait until next spring. I just can't imagine that I could do it - I have never been able to run any distance.

    You can do it. Try it. I have never ran a mile in my entire life until C25K and the infamous week 5 day 3 where I managed to run 2 miles straight.

    I am still slow as a sloth, but I run and if I can do it, seriously, you can too.

    So I am starting to think I might try it, but what happens when the snowstorm comes and I am inside for a few weeks? I was thinking about starting in March or late February. Also, does everyone have the app? Is that the best way to do this?

    Oh, yeah, the app is definitely the way to do it. I don't know how ppl can do it w/o the app bc the app lets you know when to run and walk. Why wait until spring? If it will be too cold, then I understand. But, you could always do it on a treadmill.

    I totally agree with TeamAmelia ..... I put off starting for an age (at least 2 years !!!) Now I'm totally into it.

    If you started today and managed to run through with problems, you would finish on Dec 22nd and that would be a great Xmas present to yourself