HELP PLEASE! Waist goes down but weight goes up

Okay so basically I lost 30 pounds in about four months. Then I stalled. Like big time. Haven't lost a pound since June. Then I gained weight. Over the last month I have become ten pounds heavier even though I am eating the same. I don't exercise as much though. My waist is dropping though, by like 3 inches. But my weight has gone up...? I'm really not working out so I highly doubt it's muscle. Someone wanna help? PLEASE. Also the number does matter to me. I mean it just makes no logical sense, so something has to be wrong...


  • beccamh
    beccamh Posts: 85 Member
    This sounds like a good problem :)

    I wouldn't mind weighing twice as much as I do right now if I was a size 2. Weight is just a number!