
Hi, my name is Amanda. I am new on this site! Just navigating my way through the online support systems. It seems this site has had many successful stories, and I am looking forward to sharing our goals and tribulations with a supportive online group!


  • Welcome 2013Amanda,

    I was very impressed with the social aspect of this website when I signed up for it yesterday. I've been here less than 24 hours and I'm a huge believer in it. It is awesome to meet new people who want to live healthy and or have been in your shoes as well.

    Looking forward to seeing you around.

    Feel free to send a friend request. Best of luck with your goals.
  • bird_3_lee
    bird_3_lee Posts: 64 Member
    I havnt been here on mfp for long but am finding myself here alot I am determined to do my best and I think this site is going to help me and others like you reach our goals. good luck on your journey
  • Hi

    I had been using it but my head wasnt in the right place,

    I feel fully engaged now and loving all the different social and support aspects.
  • 2013Amanda
    2013Amanda Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for the wonderful welcome. I am coping with my current weight because coming from a west indian family, all they do is feed you! And when you gain the weight--west indians are not shy about commenting openly about the weight gain. So I've been hearing about my looks from family and now even my boyfriends family. I don't think I look bad, I know that I am not in shape though. Anyways, thank you ladies for your introductions and good luck your journey!