Time to change !

I need friends and motivation to keep going.. I am new to MFP and don't have much friends..
I need to loose around 20 lbs ..
Please share hopw can I achieve that..


  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    You can achieve that by knowing that you are the only person that can make it happen. Every bite of food you put in your mouth and every time you do a excercise, it is you. If you want success then YOU have to make it happen. We can help but in the end you have to decide what you want the most....the cake or the weight lost.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I have much much more to lose but 20lbs is very doable. You simply need to figure out how much you need to take in to lose half a pound a week and stick tomit. Exercise helps as does watching your sodium. Feel free to friend me if you like.
  • sreejits
    Congratulations!! You have already taken the first step. Identified and set yourself a goal. 20 pounds is doable. How? Well every body is shaped and works differently, but there are certain things that works for all of us.
    Find out your body composition, its always advisable to lose excess body fat and not the lean muscle. The best way to do that is to continue working out and control what you eat. You may continue to eat what you are eating, but work out everyday at-least 30-45 minutes. Try and reduce all fried and sugary stuff. Incorporate more protein into your diet and eat small meals instead of 2-3 heavy meals. Eat vegetables and fresh fruits. Avoid fruit juices.

    Don't try to measure success in 2-3 weeks or listen to your friends who may tell you, there is no change despite of what you all doing. It will take at-least 5-6 weeks

    Best of luck. You will reach there....
