How much $ have you saved

I thought it might be fun to figure up what our savings on changing our lifestyle was. Just off the top of my head

Daily soda at work .50 x 55 days =$27.50
Lunch out 3 times a week @ $5 x 11 weeks=$165
Wednesday night McDonalds $7 x 11 weeks=$77
Total saved $269.50

Whew hew thats enough for a night in a nice hotel with darling hubby!!!!


  • trickyfoxster710
    trickyfoxster710 Posts: 151 Member
    and a nice hotel to boot!
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Lunch 3-4 times per week (downtown Orlando) $40 x 25 weeks = $1000.00 baby! I don't have this, It all went on fresh vege"!
  • verbifyvenus
    verbifyvenus Posts: 175 Member
    Talk about saving money- when you quit smoking and start exercising!!!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    HA HA yeah! We'll need the extra money to buy new clothes for our bad skinny selves. YEAH!!! :drinker:
  • animatedbecca
    Talk about saving money- when you quit smoking and start exercising!!!

    Great job!!
    22 days, 15 hours for me and $246.05 saved (just on cigarettes) via my droid ap :)
    Where did you get you quit smoking ticker??
  • animatedbecca
    nevermind I just found them :)
    Thanks for the reminding me about these! I even already had an account there! LOL!