Daily Sugar Intake - Does this matter?

I input my calorie intake every day and always aim to have net calorie intake below my allowance of 1200 (which happens most days). However when I am reviewing my past few weeks, I have noticed that I am well over my sugar allowance almost every day! Is this normal / ok? I wouldn't say I eat a lot of sweet stuff. I usually have cereal bars and fruit every day which seem to be quite high, maybe an odd biscuit. I am not getting results as quickly as I would like, would this have anything to do with it?


  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    May I make a suggestion? 1200 calories is murder on your body, up the caloric intake to closer to 2k. Unless you 5' 75lbs, you need more calories to fuel healthy living. Sugars are a simple carb, so your body burns through them super fast. Ideally, you want to eat as few simple carbs and sugars in a day and lean towards healthy complex carbs mixed with protein. Simple carbs (Sugar) are converted to fat significantly faster then complex carbs, especially when complex carbs are paired with solid protein.