Need some help!

After hitting my target of 185lbs a few months ago I have struggled to maintain it. As of this morning I am currently 165lbs. I am told I look "sickly" while its better than the comments I used to receive it does have me wondering what I am doing wrong.

First, I know I am not hitting my calories for the day. I eat 3 meals and snack throughout the day but still find myself with 400-800 calories left over. My gym routine has changed from 4 days of cardio and 2 of lifting to 2.5 days of cardio and 3.5 of lifting.

It could be just mental but I don't have an appetite most times. I stick to my schedule eat when I am supposed to but dont see any way of adding more food since I am never very hungry when I eat as it is.

Any thoughts on how to get my weight back up to something a bit more reasonable?

Currently eat a lot of chicken, turkey and beef. Lots of fruits, not a ton of veggies.


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Increase your fat intake. Stop eating "fat free" or "sugar free" products. Get out of your weight loss mindset and start eating calorie-dense (i.e. including dietary fat) foods.
  • dad4192
    dad4192 Posts: 21 Member
    I will try it!!!
  • CleanScience
    I posted a comment before that was considered an ad. I apologize. I will try again leaving that part out because I really think I can help.
    I think there are a few common mistakes people trying to gain weight do. If you could track for 7-10 days your meals. I am not so concerned about the macronutrients as I am the actual food and amount of food. If you could make a log of when you wake up, the times you eat, the times you exercise, when you go to bed, what you eat exactly and how much of each thing, then I am pretty sure I can find any problems.
    Look forward to seeing the log.
  • Live4theLift
    You have to eat to stop from losing weight, hell eat ice cream if ya want but eat eat eat. Bigger meals if you only eat a few times a day or moderate meals if you eat multiple times a day. If you are trying to build muscle then take in lots of protein 1g per lb of lbm minimum and if you are maintaining i think its .65g per lb of lbm