
abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Is it common to get headaches when starting a diet plan???

I have been eating terribly lately...really horrible! Anyway, two different days recently I have wanted to follow my diet. I start out great, but by early afternoon I have a very irritating headache. I end up eating a bunch just to get rid of it, and I eat my daily calories (and then some) before dinner!

Yes, I am drinking water and eating protein. Also, I am not saving my calories for dinner but spreading them out evenly with three meals and a snack.

So, my question is, do I just assume I am "detoxing"? Do I resign myself to a few days of headaches while my body adjust to a healthier lifestyle? Please help!!!!!!!!


  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    This question gets posted every now and then so I think it must be pretty common. Did you cut out caffeine? That is a common one. Also, are you eating every 2-3 hours? That's another common one. I would also make sure you have a good protein/carb/fat ratio with each meal/snack. Good luck. I'm sure it will get better!
  • are you eating more "artifical" sweeteners on your new diet plan? that will give you a headache!! make sure you are getting enough water but not too much. just drink the 8- 8oz glasses
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    When was the last time you consumed any caffeine? Or a large amount of sugar?
    If it's been a few days you are most likely going through a withdrawl of them. When I cut caffeine out I had migrages for about 2 weeks and then I was fine. Also, if you've cut your caloric intake significantly that will also trigger headaches.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If the headache is from caffine (coffee/tea) withdrawl and you want to continue without the caffine in your life you can either suffer thru the headaches or gradually reduce the caffine over a period of a few weeks. If you are having withdrawls from the caffine in soda and you want to cut out the soda try taking Excedrin for the pain. It has caffine in it. The first week take the 2 tablets as needed. The next week cut it down to 1 Excedrin and 1 Tylenol as needed, and the third week just Tylenol. Personally my body just doesn't function without caffine.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    Hmmm, now that I think about it, on my "healthy" days I am cutting out soda. Also, as for "cutting my caloric intake significantly," OMG yes!

    Seems as if I just commit to this for 3 days and say "oh well" about the headaches, I would get past them. It's a pain in the butt though! I feel like crap!
  • desp8housewife
    desp8housewife Posts: 22 Member
    I had the headaches too.... I am now almost of week into my calorie counting....and they have gotten alot better!!!! Maybe its just your body trying to get used to it.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    I had the headaches too.... I am now almost of week into my calorie counting....and they have gotten alot better!!!! Maybe its just your body trying to get used to it.

    Thanks! I guess I was worried that it was me or it would be too hard to get past it. It stinks because you want to start over in a healthy way and immediately feel BETTER, not worse. I think I will make a mini-goal of doing my best for a week and hopefully I will want to continue after that.
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