Starting up again

Hi all - I am pulling myself off the couch and out of the horrific eating cycle I have been in since I had knee surgery two years ago. I started off on the Advocare 24 day challenge, and am still taking the supplements but not the strict diet. I am just trying to be sensible about food choices, drink lots of water, avoid soda and Starbucks, and track the food I eat.

So far, I have lost 9lbs in 12 days and feel great. The best part so far is that I had my first real workout in over year last night. I woke up this morning sore, but a good sore. And my chronic knee pain has really backed off... I actually bounced up the stairs (something unheard of a few weeks ago).

I am normally an introvert but will try to get on this message board and share positive experiences, and offer support. Good luck to you all!