Back again

Hi, I used this site before and lost 35 pounds! And then I moved and got married and well, got pregnant...Had my first baby last Tuesday and already can't stand myself. So, I am back and ready to get into the weight loss lifestyle again. Good thing about pregnancy, it has really curbed my appetite, so I have not been eating a lot, however, what I have eaten has not necessarily been the best. I gained about 38 pounds with this pregnancy and am currently down 10. Honestly, a lot of the weight I gained was from water and swelling. I am not so concerned with my weight in numbers as I am in the way I look. I plan to start with walking and running and going from there. I used to run 3 miles at a time, now I am back at square one as I did not keep up with running during the pregnancy. So, if there is anyone out there who is like me or could use another supportive friend add me...I for sure know I need the support...