
rosela Posts: 2 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi i am new to fitness, and this site is great


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    You can do this. The more you use the site the better you will do. Log your food and exercise daily it really helps to make you aware of what you are eating,
  • claud10
    claud10 Posts: 9
    hi ive had it for a while but never really used it so i guess im kinda new, but if u continue useing it it will work:D
  • nijeka
    nijeka Posts: 28
    I'm new too; just started this week. I am on Day 4. So far, I love this site. It really makes you think about everything you put into your mouth when you have to put it in black-n-white on here!! Seeing it in print makes it look so much worse than I thought!!!

    Good luck...you'll do great!
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    I'm on week 3 with this site and loving it... It certainly puts your food in perspective when you log everything in. It helps having support from others with the same goals. It's inspirational reading others progress and motivations. Good luck!
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