Question for women who swim



  • jeepyj93
    jeepyj93 Posts: 392 Member
    I swim laps and also hate when people either stand or walk across my lane. We are lucky enough to usually have a lane to ourselves but we still get pool splashers that are there to play not swim.
    I wear a cap all the time and never have had a problem with my hair turning green.
    We swim outdoors year round in the Canadian Rockies so a cap helps keep the head a little warmer at -20C.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I swim laps and also hate when people either stand or walk across my lane. We are lucky enough to usually have a lane to ourselves but we still get pool splashers that are there to play not swim.
    I wear a cap all the time and never have had a problem with my hair turning green.
    We swim outdoors year round in the Canadian Rockies so a cap helps keep the head a little warmer at -20C.

    I could never imagine swimming in such cold conditions. It's bad enough going from the steam room to the pool, it always feels freezing for a few minutes whilst I adjust to the temperature change!

    But yeah, people who go to the adult swim session, then spend their time slowly floating around, talking to each other, blocking lanes because they float in a line, then complain about people who swim between them/around them really irritate me. People who stand at the end of the lane, aimlessly looking around, preventing you from kicking off the pool side for your next length. I could go on!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I swim sometimes 4 times a week. At our pool you must wear a swim cap--no hair flying around and clogging up the drains. I have dry hair and it was getting brittle, so I decided that I should make my hair healthier while in the water for an hour. I put on a heavy and rich hair conditioner, and then do a ponytail, and bun thing, after which I put on a cloth swimming cap, and over that a silicone waterproof one. I had to put the cloth cap on first because the silicone one slid all over. I've been doing this for 7 years and my hair is longish and in great shape. I shampoo and condition after swimming, and after drying put on a flax oil for some shine.
    As for people chit-chatting in the pool--that is rude. I want to do laps. Talk to the lifeguard, they are supposed to watch all that.