Carbonaut seen in Norfolk, UK

Hi fellow foodists!

Found My Fitness Play whilst fathoming out what has happened with my perfect diet. I'm a 59 year old Fella who has always cooked and eaten fresh food.

I understood that the Mediterranean diet was going to keep me slim, agile, nourished and fit. Lifestyle, work and upbringing have formed patterns of eating, the cost of no breakfasts, a drink or two to many, always eating the fat, and eating pasta 4-5 times a week have seemingly scarred me. Thankfully I've caught diabetes early enough to get rid.

To cut to the chase, I've been diagnosed as pre-diabetic so need to sort myself out.

Looks like My Fitness Plan is going to take me on my journey along a Low Carbo diet....It seems 20% Carb, 65% Fat and 15% Protein is the recognised diet.....any thoughts or experiences out there that can help me.

Any advice, Help or support happily accepted, I'm on day 5 and feeling a little better today.....onwards....


  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Just like to say welcome to MFP. I had to write a reply as I was originally from Norfolk though now live in Yorkshire.

    Would like to wish you all the best and if you would like to add me a friends feel free to do so.

    Not brill on the macros but would increase the protein and lower the fat a little bit.