calories burned

PMcLinn Posts: 27 Member
MFP automatically gives us a deficit to lose a certain amount of weight a week, (2 lbs for me), so when we burn extra calories (and don't eat all of them back), that is just extra on top correct? So, in theory, you could lose more then 2 lbs/week (not that i want to, slow and steady wins the race), I just want to make sure I am understanding this correctly. Thanks in advance!


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    Exactly -- your understanding is right on target. As you say, if you're already eating at a 1000 calorie a day deficit (which you would for a 2 lb a week weight loss), there's no need to add to your deficit by not eating back your exercise calories. (Some people will advise that you not eat all of your exercise calories back, unless you're using a heart-rate monitor to estimate calories expended, because they believe that MFP's exercise database and the number that cardio machines give you are somewhat inflated. I mainly walk and dance for cardio, and I feel like the database numbers for my entries are reasonable.)
  • PMcLinn
    PMcLinn Posts: 27 Member
    thanks for your reply! I have not been able to eat back all of them every day, depends on my day but some days I get 600+ back (clinic days)and some days I get 10 back LOL. The difference in opinions on here about wether or not calories transfer day to day are as wide as those who think you should, or should not , eat back all the calories LOL. I am just going to try different things. Last night was the first night that I was starving for what ever reason, so I didn't feel bad eating back the exercise calories.