i'm new and need some friends



  • Kellia1983
    Hello! I am going to start using this app tomorrow. I would love to lose 40 lbs. Can I add you as a friend?
  • mrpickle1217
    mrpickle1217 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Teresa, my name is Gail and I have no friends here either except for my daughter too. I have lost 32 pounds already and am very happy about it. I log in every day and stay true to myself. My husband also is a JUNK food junkie. I just have my popcorn and popsicle and am quite satisfied with that. I am a breast cancer survivor and will celebrate 5 years on 2-03-14. The meds I take promote weight gain and I had gained a lot of weight. I still have 25 pounds to lose but I am determined to do it so I can feel better about myself. You have started a Great journey and you will be the winner at the end!! Keep me posted as you travel this journey.
  • lhawke316
    HI There!
    I'm new also, I've never really kept up with this page, I joined back in 10 and then life just got in the way. My closest friend is getting married in april and it's now or never to get these pounds off before her big day! feel free to add me too! everyone can use support ! Myself included :)
  • sheltap
    sheltap Posts: 10
    You need to flip that switch in your brain to not eat past 7pm. I know its HARD but maybe start changning what you eat in your house. When you go grocery shopping, stick to fresh produce and meats. Dont buy processed foods and start looking up recipes online that are healthy treats. Husbands are the worst cause they dont care..... I know mine loves to eat popcorn with tons of butter and that makes its hard. You just need to get that determination and be true to yourself.

    If you want it, then make it happen... positive thoughts positive results!

    Anyone can feel free to add me.... I have just started myself and although Im in the right mind set now, I know times do get tough :s
  • ThistimeIllsucceed
    I'm new too and have no friends, but would love to for once interact with people about this. Feel free to add me. ^.^
  • autumnpennell
    autumnpennell Posts: 196 Member
    You need to flip that switch in your brain to not eat past 7pm. I know its HARD but maybe start changning what you eat in your house. When you go grocery shopping, stick to fresh produce and meats. Dont buy processed foods and start looking up recipes online that are healthy treats. Husbands are the worst cause they dont care..... I know mine loves to eat popcorn with tons of butter and that makes its hard. You just need to get that determination and be true to yourself.

    If you want it, then make it happen... positive thoughts positive results!

    Anyone can feel free to add me.... I have just started myself and although Im in the right mind set now, I know times do get tough :s

    I like what she says about not eating past 7 pm.

    Also another poster said if you just have to have those snacks at night, then save enough calories in the day so you can have those snacks

    Goo tips