Hewbie here!

Hello everyone! My name is Lauren, I am 20 years old and I am just now getting into working out and losing some weight. I love forums so I figured, why not? I like to lurk but I do have a few questions to ask as time goes by.

I've got the motivation (after 4 failed attempts) and I'd like to make new friends along the way =]


  • pnklzzy
    pnklzzy Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Lauren!
    I'm Lindsey and I'm very new to this site… I am in the same boat as you. failed many times.. but I am going to stick to it this time! maybe we could hold each other accounted for! I'm looking for some friends to help me and to help along the way!! Im in my 20's as well! I am getting back into running, (not that I was all that amazing at it…. I did 3 5ks a year or so ago and did average.) I just got busy and stopped… I don't want to let that happen again! what form of exercise do you enjoy or are trying to love?
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    Welcome you two! Don't use the word fail! That only happens when you give up! And neither of you have done that yet! Good luck
  • LaurenEllexx
    LaurenEllexx Posts: 64 Member
    thanks Lindsey =D I always admire runners! I could never do it, I'd get bored easily but I really like lifting weights, that's pretty fun
  • LaurenEllexx
    LaurenEllexx Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks so much Elkahallick! I don't plan to this time xD