Challenge Group starting Nov 11th

:bigsmile: Hey! I'm starting a 30 day challenge group on Nov 11th. This group will be for those who are ready to get a head start on 2014. I'm looking for people who are on the right track, but may need some extra motivation and support along their journey. I know that I do some days! And yes, this will take you through Thanksgiving. But don't worry the group will be there to help you say no to that extra slice of pie!

Be warned though, it's going to get real. Real about your struggles, emotions, goals, and how to get what you want. I'll post daily questions to keep you on your toes and ask that everyone shares. It will be a NO JUDGEMENT ZONE! I'm hoping to get support, but also make some awesome new friends along the way.

Post below, friend me, or message if you may be interested in joining!
