Morton's Neuroma

I used to love working out. Since developing this painful condition I have gained 30 pounds because it's sooo painful. Tried several different brands of shoes to the tune of several hundred dollars, am seeing an ortho for the pain... and even with orthotics I am not completely free of it.

Anyone have any luck overcoming this or finding exercise that is less painful than others? I have been told that running just isn't something I should pursue because it is hard on that area of the foot.

I miss being able to workout and actually enjoy it. Any ideas on making working out more tolerable? Reducing pain?


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Have you tried wearing "minimalist shoes", specifically shoes with a zero heel-to-toe-drop? I mean both for running and everyday walking around. Most shoes have an elevated heel, which puts more weight on the forefoot, which worsens MN.